The truth

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Danis POV:

Dr Miers: 'Nice to meet you again Lynne.'

We were suprised. He must see bad. But how could he mistake Christina for there MUM. No one could see that bad. Sorry mum but it's true.

Dr. Miers: 'I guess you want to know what happend to Lauren that last day.'
Christina: 'Yes.'
Dr. Miers: 'We'll c'mon then.'

They walked in to his office. Amy and Dani tried to follow but you had to be a parent to get in the doctor said. So Amy and her had to wait outside. Amy took out a book and started to read. I just sat there. After a while she took out her phone. She went on Twitter and went to Lauren's page. There was so many fans wondering why didn't tweet anymore. She (Dani) couldn't take it anymore. So she tweeted this "I know many of you want to know Lauren isn't tweeting. She had cancer. She is dead sine 1 week. #RIPLaurenCimorelli" then she went on Instagram to post a pic of Lauren and wrote "Lauren haven't posted in a while because she had cancer and is now dead since 1 week #RIPLaurenCimorelli" and then Facebook and did the same. And snapchat and every social media. It started to spread fast. She got new notifications all the time with the #RIPLaurenCimorelli and she just turned her phone of. She couldn't take it anymore.

Amy: 'Why did you tell everyone that Lauren is gone? We hadn't decided what to do yet.'
Dani: 'I couldn't take it anymore. They needed to know. They are our fans.'
Amy: 'We'll now I get stuff that are bad like "She deserved it", "Good she's gone" and "She was always the worst one." Even if stuff like #DirectionersSuportCimfam and #BelibersSuportCimfam and #SwiftersSuportCimfam that wasn't your decision.

I didn't say anything because Christina came out.

Christina: 'I was right. Lauren never made it to the hospital.'

//Sorry this was short. But I didn't have much to wright here. But there will be more in the next chapter. Promise.

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