A clue to Lauren

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Christinas POV:

I cant stand being here anymore. Laurens spirit is everywere and I cant hide from it. I will never feel whole again. I part of my heart is gone and will never be replaced. I cant bielive I didnt see something was wrong with Lauren. But she went quiet easily and she slept much but was tierd anyway. Maybe here life was sucking out of her. And then she relised something. In the video Lauren said she was going to the hospital to wait to go to heaven. But mum said they had found her body. Maybe that was why she was so woired. What if Lauren never got to the hospital and thats why mum was so woired. She didnt know what had happend. She need to tell the others. She first want upstairs to talk to Katherine. She hear mum scream at Katherine and Katherine screaming back. I hear Lisa and Dani fighting. What is happening with this family? I go to out room when mum and Katherine stops screaming at each other and get a totall shock. Mum hits Katherine in the head with a bottle. She sees Katherine faint and scream. Shes runing over to mum but their mum is faster. She push Christina in to the wall so she hits her head and fall to the ground. Her mum gets closer to her. They are only like 1 inch from nose to nose.Mum: 'Stay down you fillty little rat or I swear I will kill you.' And then she left. I could bearly breath beacuse there mums alcohoal breath. What was going on? She hears her mum slaming the front door so she gets up and walkes over to Katherine who starts to move.
Katherine: 'What happend?' She sais disy.
Christina: 'Mum happend. It's okey now. But I need to tell you something. I dont think Lauren died at the hospital.'
Katherine: 'What do you meen? Of course she did. She said so herself.'
Christina: 'I know that. But just listen. When mum told us she said that they found her body. But Lauren said she went to the hospital to wait to go to heaven. And mum was woired sick just like us. Why would she be that if she knew anything?'
Katherine: 'Thats a pretty good idea. Why dont you go ask Lauren what she think about. Lauren! Hey Lauren where are you. Yeah right. She died in the hospital like she said. So let it go.'
Christina: 'Fine. If you wont help me I will ask the others.' And then I left before she could say anything.

Lisas POV:

I cut up my pizza and started eating it. Danis in trubble and I need to help her. But just Lauren can help her. And shes gone. Forever. And nothing will change that. We just have to accept it and try to live with it. I hear someone who comes in and I asume It's Dani who wants to fight some more.
Lisa: 'I'm not in the mood for more of your herasments. Go cut yourself some more instead and dont botter me.' But I dont hear anyone leaving. 'I said go away Dani!' I say when I turn around and there is Christina.
Christina: 'Cut some more? What do you mean cut some more?'
Lisa: 'Nothing. What do you want?'
Christina: 'No tell me!'
Lisa: 'Nothing! If your going to be like that you can leave. So LEAVE!'And she left like nothing happend. I got back to eating my pizza.

Amys POV:I hear everyone screaming upstairs and cant take it. I rum out and get on to the trampoline. I hear someone call my name. I think It's Christina.

Amy: 'OUT HERE!' I answer.

She comes out comes on the trampoline with me. Christina tells me her theory and wait for me to say something.

Amy: 'Thats a good theory. But how will we know what to do? And who Else have you told?'
Christina: 'I told Katherine but she thought I was crazy and Lisa said something crazy to me cause she thought I was Dani so I didnt tell her. And I havent found Dani jet. I thinks shes watching TV in the movieroom.'
Amy: 'Then lets go talk to Dani.'

Danis POV:

I was sitting in our movieroom watching Twillight when Amy and Christina came running in looking exited.
Dani: 'What?'
Amy: 'Christina have a theory. Tell her Chrissy.'
Christina tould me her theory and then they waited for me to say something.
Dani: 'Ok, so?'
Amy: 'So we need to find out what happend. Are you in or not?'
Dani: 'I'm...

..............................Ohhh. I wanted to do a cliffhanger. What you think? What do you think happens? What will Dani answer? Comment what you think :-)

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