Laurens will

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Danis POV:

She saw Christina run further and further in to the woods. What had she done.

Dani: 'Come back. Wait!' but then she relised. Why botter. Its not her fault. Christina ran on her own. Dani just sat down and all thd feelings she had been holding in bursted out. She screamed and shoted. She punsched a tree several times. She couldnt help herself. Her Sugar couldnt be gone. That was not fair. Why Lord? Why? Thats when she relised. There is no God. If there was he wouldnt do this. He took Lauren away from not only the Cimorelli family. But allsow from all the fans. The cimfam. Then she just yelled out 'THERE IS NO GOD. IF YOU HERE THIS GIVE ME A SIGN AND GET ME MY LAUREN BACK!!!' But nothing happend. That was it. Her faith faided. There is no God. And it will never be. She just kept crying and crying. Then she relised she had been crying so much and so long it had become nighttime. She had been cold and she went back to the house ready for her mum to blow up.

When she got back She snuck in to the house. She saw her mum in the kitchen drinking. She had never seen her mum drink. She went up to her room and got to bed. But she couldnt sleep untill like 4 am.


She woke up and had forgotten about the sorrow for Lauren for a bit. But when she saw Laurens empty bed she rememberd all of it. She just couldnt belive it was true. There were NEVER EVER going to be anymore Sugar and Spice, Dauren, whole Cimorelli. NEVER. The she saw that Lisa was gone. She could here the shower in their batroom. So Dani went to Laurens bed and sat down. She laid down and felt something hard under the pillow. She removed the pillow and saw Laurens camera. She turned it on and saw a video with Lauren. It was dated the day she went missing. So she turned it on.


Lauren: 'If your watching this it means I'm gone. Who ever found my camera first this is my will and my last thoughts and feelings about all of my family. If you are still alone go get the rest of the family and watch this with them.'

So Dani went downstairs and found everyone in the kitchen.

Dani: 'I found Laurens camera. She recorded her will and she want us to watch it togheter so I havent watched it yet. Can we watch it now. I need to see it.'

All: 'Yes!'

So we went in to the livingroom and conected the camera to the TV and turned it on.

Lauren: 'Now that you all hopefully are watching this I want to say that this is my will and my last thoughts and words. So I will start with mum and dad. To you I will give my photos. To Mike I will give my boombox. To Christina I give all my records. To Katherine I give my Angels. To Lisa I give all my makeup and jewelrys. To Amy I give my clothes. To Alex I give my longboard. To Christian, Nick and Joey I give books. And last to Dani I give all of my clothes and rest of my stuff. And I want to say, and this is news to everyone but mum and dad, that I have cancer. I didnt tell you beacuse I didnt want you to worry. We went to allot of meetings at the hospitle early in the morrnings so you wouldnt know. And Im sorry for not telling you. But I dont regret it. Im now going to the hospitle for a last visit and wait to go to heaven. I will miss you all. And to Dani. You will allways be my Spice. Dont ever forgett that. And dont do anything stupid after Im gone. And I want you to speek at my funeral. Good Bye. I will allways love you all and never stop doing what you love. Singing. Go on our worldtour and spreed my memorie. I love you. Good bye mum, dad, Mike, Christina, Katherina, Lisa, Amy, Alex, Christian, Nick, Joey and last but not least Good Bye Spice. I love you all.' and then it just ended.


Hey all you that read this. I hope you liked this and sorry it was short. But shaoter was going to be about Laurens will. Next shapter us going to be out soon I hope. Im going to try to post at least once a week. And if you have any ideas DM on IG where my name is @cimorelli5yearsfan to or kik me on @Sandra554 :-)

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