We're bad guys

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Author's note: More than 600 views and I've only written one preference, thank you so so so much for reading!

  ♦     ♣     ♥     ♠


You offered Floyd to come and visit with Zoe, but Zoe wasn't always welcome in the small cell where only  a small amount of sunlight could shine through. Especially when Floyd couldn't handle seeing his daughter and knowing that she couldn't get the care from either of her parents. "Why can't she come over?" you asked with a frown, looking over at deadshot who looked stressed out and calm at the same time. "I'm a bad guy, I'll hurt Zoe like I'm going to hurt you and everyone else, even if I don't want it."

El Diablo:

It happened with his wife before, and it would happen to you too. Once a month he was allowed to go home for a maximum of 5 days but he never went to your house, you never asked why, because he wouldn't answer anyways. He always stayed where he was, unless you visited him. And never did you question why he didn't want to come home until you realized that it was lonely to be in love and your boyfriend couldn't be next to you. When you asked him about it, he looked down and whispered "I don't want to fight with you, I don't want my future to burn"

Captain Boomerang:

"Here, I took your unicorn and I also have your favorite candy" you smiled at him, the sound of the door closing in the background as you sat down on the floor and looked up at him. He wasn't calm, he kept on pacing back and forth, sometimes reaching his arm out to touch the cold walls. You were about to leave him alone for a while, his hand grabbing yours in the last moment and pulling you into his chest. "I can't, I'm not good, I will never be good, I don't deserve you or anyone else"

Harley Quinn:

Harley rarely felt bad about herself, and if she did then she tried to hide it from you by talking about other things or trying to sound a little bit selfish. She sat there, on the floor in her cage, looking between you and the guards. She wanted to feel you, she wanted to tell you things but she didn't want the guards to hear. "I wish I never did anything at all, maybe I would have been able to kiss you, now you'll have to go to bed alone"


He started regretting it as soon as Batman was looking for the both of you, and that while Joker had been trying to build an old factory into a home for you. All of his work ruined and he would probably lose you on the way to being locked up, drifting apart and never would find each other again. He held you close that morning, letting out sigh after sigh as he thought of a plan, and when you woke up, he just whispered "you need to leave, to be safe"

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