Team Voltron Zombie Apocalypse AU

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Inspired by -wxnder- because we were talking about a zombie apocalypse au and i just could help myself.

Warning: Swearing.

Hints to sheith and klance and shance if you squint

Not beta'd so forgive any mistakes!

Hope y'all enjoy it!

No one really knew how it all began, one day everything was normal then the next, people were eating others faces off. When Lance walked outside from the sound of screaming, he saw his dad limping towards him and groaning. Immediately he knew something was up and walked towards him but with panic, jumped back when he saw his dad's skin was a sickly pale colour and his mouth was covered in dried blood. That's when he saw Pidge running towards him, screaming at him to grab any weapons. Lance automatically sprang into action, running inside his house and finding anything that can be used as a weapon, for him that being a baseball bat and a metal pipe his dad was trying to fix.

"What the fuck is going?" Lance yelled to Pidge who was holding his front door closed.

"NO TIME TO EXPLAIN BUT TO PUT IT SHORT, ZOMBIES" was all Pidge said before grabbing the baseball bat from their friend and gripping the door handle. "Are you ready?"

"Ready for wh- WAIT!" Lance panicked as Pidge swung the door open and started hitting these so called zombies with the baseball bat.

"Come on!" Pidge shouted at him and Lance hesitantly followed his friend, holding the pipe against his chest in a death grip. A zombie started coming towards and Lance instinctively kicked them away, swinging the pipe at their head, bashing their skull in. The sound of screeching tires made Lance jump, immediately relaxing when he saw that it was Hunk's car. He and Pidge made a beeline for the car and dived in, yelling at Hunk to drive on.

"Calm down, remember there is a speed limit" Hunk said calmly, pressing on the accelerator until he reached the speed limit.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHO THE FUCK CARES RIGHT NOW!" Lance shouted at him, disbelief written all over his face.

"I care! I got this license for a reason Lance."


"OKAY QUIET DOWN BOTH OF YOU" Pidge shouted, jumping from the back of the car into the passenger seat. They both listened to Pidge and quietened down, driving to find somewhere with no zombies.

That was 4 months ago.

Pidge lay on the ground on top of a hill, binoculars up against his eyes to scan the shop they had just come across. They were just running out of food and water, needing to scavenge some more. The closest store to them was called "Coran's goods", and now they were scanning it to make sure there was no one around.

"Here pass me those." Lance said, laying down next to Pidge, stealing the binoculars from them. Lance moved his view to the entrance, focusing the binoculars to match his eye sight. As he was about to move his sight somewhere else, he saw a familiar red jacket. "YOU'RE KIDDING ME!"

"What? What is it?" Pidge panicked, staring at Lance wide eyed.

"Keith Kogane is in there." Lance exasperated, staring at the boy as he opened his bag and started stuffing stuff in it. "He's stealing out stuff!"

"Well technically it's not our stuff yet. An argument can be mad that it's his stuff." Hunk commented and Lance glared at him. "I'm gonna stop talking now"

"Come on, three against one, he won't stand a chance!" Lance started to run down the hill and towards the shop, Hunk and Pidge jogging behind him. Lance busted into the shop, holding one of his stolen guns towards Keith. Keith stilled, his eyes moving from the counter to Lance. "Give up the good Kogane."

Silence over took the room, save for the footsteps from Pidge and Hunk entering the shop. A minute had passed before Keith spoke.

"Do I know you?" He said and Lance scoffed, his arm dropping to his side.

"Excuse me? Do you know me?" Lance said, seemingly offended by Keith's reply to him.

"Yes that's what I said."

"Oh come on! We were rivals in school! You always tried to one up me? My name is Lance McClain?"

"Oh you're that guy that had that obsession with me." Keith smugly said, lips raising into a smirk. Lance's mouth dropped open in shock.

"I did not!" He was quick to defend himself, glaring at Keith.

"Sure seemed like it." Keith crossed his arms over his chest, staring at him with a bored expression.

Before Lance could say anything back, another person came crashing into the room from the back of building, wrestling a zombie off of him and shooting him in the head. Everyone looked towards the person, watching him stand up and wipe dust off of himself.

"I swear I'm like a zombie magnet or something." The man mumbled to himself, walking over to Keith who was staring amusedly at him.

"Find anything?"

"Nothing useful." The man said but then looked towards the other three people, looking at Keith confused. "Who are they?"

"They ar-"Keith started but was then interrupted by Lance.

"We can introduce ourselves thank you very much." Lance said to Keith and then turned toward the man, immediately knowing who it was. "Wait a minute, you're Takashi Shirogane!"

"Just Shiro thanks." Shiro said, giving them a small smile.

"Dude you were like Voltron High Schools best baseball player!" Shiro laughed at that, leaning against the counter that Keith was at. "Anyways, my name is Lance, this Hunk and Pidge."

"They came here to take our goods apparently." Keith added, raising a sassy eyebrow towards Lance whose expression turned annoyed.

"We do what we do to survive!" Lance defended.

"We don't want any trouble, we just need to stock up on some stuff." Pidge added, trying to lessen the tension in the air.

"I'm sure you don't, which is why you should leave." Keith replied, turning his attention towards stocking up his bag.

"Make us! We have every right to this stuff just as you do." Lance yelled at him, stepping towards Keith but then being stopped in his tracks by Shiro.

"No need to argue. Why don't you three join us? Could use the numbers." Shiro reasoned, offering them all a kind smile. Lance looked towards Pidge and Hunk who both nodded frantically at him to accept the offer.

"Shiro you've got to be kidding me!" Keith said, staring at Shiro with a glare.

"Keith we could use the numbers, the more the better right?" Keith rolled his eyes at Shiro who sighed and returned his attention back to Lance who was still in thought.

"Hmmmm okay. We could do that. Only because it annoys Keith so much though." Lance said, smirking towards the other boy who clenched his fist. Shiro laughed and placed a hand on Lance's shoulder, patting it.

"Welcome then Lance, Pidge and Hunk. We humbly accept your help." Shiro said with a smile.

If you want to request a one shot, comment or private message me! Or you can send me a message on my tumblr

Peace my lovelies!


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