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Requested by Lion_Kat

"The paladins (aside from Shiro) get turned into kids from a mysterious gas the Galra hit them with. While Coran works to create an antidote for the curse, Shiro and Matt have to take care of the kid versions of the paladins. Mayhem ensues."

So it's basically Shiro and Matt parenting Lance, Keith, Pidge and Hunk. Also who the fuck gave their ship name? It's filthy!


"LANCE PUT THAT BAYARD DOWN" Shiro shouted as he ran after Lance, the teenager turned child sprinting away from the man, his bayard in hand which could form his gun in any moment.

"SHIRO HELP I CAN'T BREATHE!" Matt was currently under a Hunk, Pidge and Keith dog pile, gasping in deep breaths as they practically started suffocating him. They were laughing at his suffering, jumping on him again and again, making Matt believe they were gonna break his back.

It was only an hour ago that they were still their original selves. But somehow, some Galra soldiers snuck into the castle and gassed an area where the four of them were. The gas had transformed them into children, Allura believed this was their plan so the four younger paladins would be unable to pilot their lions.

"How do we change them back?" Shiro said, eyebrows furrowed in concern, arms folded across his chest. Matt stood beside him, an exasperated look on his face.

"I believe i can make up some type of antidote, it may take a few hours however." Coran said, his brain already forming up the specific recipe to help their current situation. "In the mean time, Shiro, Matt, you two are on babysitting duty."

At first the two men thought it would be easy to take care of the four, but then again, they have never really taken care of children before. Aside from Matt having to sometimes take care of a younger Pidge, he's never taken care of anyone else.

The first hour was relatively calm, the only mischief coming from Keith and Lance arguing and hitting each other, gaining themselves a stern talk from Shiro and an annoyed look from Matt. And then mayhem began.

It started small, lance running off to go play with very harmful weapons. Then began some very rude and unwarranted criticism from Pidge about Matt's face, Keith joining in with laughter, and who knew that a child version of Keith would actually laugh and smile. Hunk then started wandering off into the kitchen, eating whatever food he could find and that tasted good, crying whenever Shiro dragged him back into the room with the others.

And now, Shiro was trying to capture Lance before he hurt himself with his bayard and Matt was being buried under a pile of hyperactive children.

Matt grunted loudly as Keith body slammed him, the child laughing at his misery.

"You CANNOT play with THIS!" Shiro said sternly to Lance, he managed to catch the small child, yanking the bayard out of his hands. "THIS will HURT you if you use it WRONG!"

Lance pouted at the taller man, glaring as he stomped away towards the dog pile, his mood immediately changing as he jumped on top of the pile, laughing at the little "oof" Matt gave.

"Shiiiiiirooooo!"Matt whined, his voice coming out more strained than usual.

"Come on guys, off of him now!" Shiro said in a very dad like voice, giving them a stern look when they all whined and pouted at him. Eventually they all got off of Matt, Shiro extending a hand to help his boyfriend up. "You okay?"

"Yea, might get Coran to have a look at my back now though, it hurts so much!" Matt replied, his face twisted in pain as he arched his back, trying to make it hurt less. Shiro gave him a sympathetic smile, clapping him on the shoulder.

"I want food!" Hunk cried, Lance agreeing with him.

"You just ate 40 minutes ago though." Shiro said to them, Matt sighing next to him as he knew Shiro's reasoning wont be accepted.

"BUT WE'RE HUNGRY NOW!" Lance yelled, an angry expression and he stomped his feet during his sentence.

"Okay okay we will go get you four some food now." Matt said, giving in to the angry kids and dragging Shiro away to the kitchen. Shiro was grumbling some unfavourable words under his breath, stumbling into the room with irritation radiating off of him.

"When they get back to their normal selves i am going to make them do so much training." Shiro said, a look of determination and hatred on his face and Matt could only chuckle, moving towards his boyfriend and hugging him.

"Come on, lets just get them some food and hopefully they will calm down." Shiro hugged him back, kissing him on the forehead. The two worked to make the kids some food, walking back into the room and handing them the food.

The food went down well and soon enough the children were all asleep in various places in the room. Lance and Keith were both passed out on the couch, Lance's foot in Keith's face. Hunk collapsed on the floor, he was snoring softly and Pidge was slumped on a chair. Matt cringed at his sisters position, that really cant be good for her neck.

"Thank god they are asleep!" Shiro sighed in relief, slumping on the unoccupied couch, throwing an arm on the back of it. Matt sat beside his boyfriend, leaning against his open side and closing his eyes. They sat there for what felt like hours but was really half an hour until Coran came running in, yelling about he has developed the antidote.

It was hell waking the kids up, Hunk and Keith started crying as soon as Shiro called for them to wake up , their cries almost ruining Shiro and Matt's eardrums. Quickly Coran came back to them with drinks for the four of the kids, disguising the liquid as and Altean version of chocolate milk. They chugged it all down and after a few minutes they turned back to their original selves.

"Ugh i feel bloated." Hunk said, readjusting to being a teenager again.Lance hummed in agreement, rubbing his stomach with a grimace on his face.

"Matt, sorry for uh jumping on you." Keith mumbled out, leaving the room to do god knows what.

"Ow my neck hurts so much!" Pidge complained, rubbing her neck, undoubtedly it hurt from how she was sleeping before.

"Hey Shiro, when we get married, lets not have children." Matt said, Shiro smirking at him and throwing an arm over his shoulders.

"Come on lets go get your back looked at." Shiro said, walking with Matt to find Coran.

Coran still has some anitdote made up just in case the Galra tried to hit them with that deaging gas again.


Sorry updates have been real slow, but im getting my mojo back! Also, i have been on a massive Kingdom Hearts binge because its my favourite childhood game and just it's perfect okay. So i've decided i will be making a book similar to this but for kingdom hearts characters. I will have it up soon with a submissions page so if you want one, request there or flick me a message :)

P.S would you guys be keen to watch a live stream of me and @-wxnder- attempting to write requests and just doing random shit? Let me know, we are kinda keen to show you how it is for us when writing a story. The live stream would only be an hour long because lets be real, we arent that interesting.

Peace out :)

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