Lance x Fem!Reader

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Requested by shesanoddone

Sorry i took forever, been dealing with a lot of shit that even i cant explain. ts shorter than i would have liked but i tried?

Hope y'all enjoy!


"I SWEAR TO WHATEVER GOD THEY HAVE HERE I WILL PUNCH THAT STUPID SENDAK IN THE FACE" it wasn't a good day for you, Lance had just recovered from nearly being killed by Sendak and you were still mad despite the fact that he's fine. "I MEAN YOU COULD HAVE FUCKING DIED."

"But he didn't so it's fine." Keith said, earning a glare from Y/N.

"That's not the point Keith! The point is that he could have!" You said, shooting daggers at Keith with a look that screamed 'shut the fuck up or i will hit you'.

"The point is that Lance is alive, and he's better than ever. Right Lance?" Keith countered, looking at Lance who was stuffing food into his mouth. Lance hummed an affirmative, swallowing his mouthful of food.

"I'm fine Y/N, Sendak can't kill me that easily." You huffed at that statement, walking out of the room without another word. You needed to be alone, they didn't know how important Lance was to you, how you're life would be empty with him gone.

You ended up in your room, sitting on your bed with head bowed, staring at your knees. Lance kept going through your mind, how he could be dead if they didn't succeed in stopping Sendak, how he was so close from slipping out of your life. What would it be like? A life without Lance? Surely there would be less flirting and sly comments but to you, that was happiness. How he would compliment you in the most seductive voice he could put on, how he was so self-confident that you envied it, how he would smile at you when you entered the room, how he would cuddle you at night. He was your happiness.

You were brought out of your thoughts by a soft knock at your door.

"Come in." You said loud enough for the other person to hear, The door slid open and in walked Lance, the door sliding closed behind him as he walked towards you and sat down next to you.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly and you felt your body just relax from the sound.

"You could've died." You heard Lance sigh and then you felt him arm wrap around you your shoulders. He pulled you close to him, letting yourself go easily.

"I know. But i'm alive babe, i'm alive and healthy. I'm not leaving so easily or so soon." Lance reassured into your ear and you felt your whole body collapse on itself, resting against Lance and trying to hold in any tears that threaten escape.

"Don't ever leave me." You whispered into his chest and he pulled you closer, wrapping both arms around you.

"I won't. I promise." He said. He laid down, dragging you with him so you were lying down on his chest. You snuggled your head into the junction of his shoulder and neck, closing your eyes and breathing his scent in.

So far, he has made good on his promise, coming back to you after every mission and giving you a big kiss.


I really pushed myself to write this oh man, i only have four more days of break left and then its full on until June. Pray for me pls.

Also thank y'all so much for the 20.4k reads <3 bless

Love y'all xxx


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