Keith x Half Galra!Female Reader

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Requested by the lovely Autogirls i hope this is what you wanted!!

Summary: You are a half Galra half human girl, your father is Sendak and your mother was human that died when she gave birth to you. Sendak locks you away for years but then a certain boy with a mullet rescues you. Feelings develop.

Hope y'all enjoy!

You were sat in your bedroom, or should you say prison. It felt like a prison, you were never allowed out unless it was dinner time or when your father wanted to talk to you, your father being the captain of the ship, Sendak. Your mother was a human, originally having been a prisoner on Sendak's ship until Sendak took an interest in her. Somehow, your mother fell in love with Sendak and agreed to be his wife. And then you were born, a human/galra girl hybrid with purple ears sticking out from your head, killing your mother in the process. That is why your father locks you away, he blames you for her death. For most of your life, you have been trapped in this room, slowly driving you insane,  the only thing keeping you from the brink of insanity was the moments that a guard would sometimes let you out to wander for a while.

That is until this day, sitting in your bedroom your purple galra ears were twitching at the faintest sounds of crashing and laser guns going off. The sounds got louder and louder until they were basically coming out from just behind your door, accompanied by what sounded like bickering. And then your door was forced off of its hinges, forcing a yelp out of your mouth as you jumped back to save yourself from the door crushing you. You looked down at the door and then at the people who stood in the entryway, seeing two boys and one man standing there in unfamiliar armor.

"Couldn't be more discreet Lance?" the boy in red said, glaring at the boy in blue. The two boys started bickering, but then stopped when you cleared your throat, grabbing their attention. Immediately the boy in blue was by your side, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Why hello there beautiful, the names lance. Care to grace me with yours?" You stared at him in disgust, moving away from him slightly. And then the boy in red moved towards you, pushing the other one away.

"Would it kill you to treat others with respect for once?" He said at the boy Lance, getting a glare back at him. And then he turned to you and you felt your breath catch, unlike Lance, this boy was attractive to you. "Hi, my name is Keith. That is as you now know Lance, and behind him is Shiro." The both of them waved at you and you nodded.

"Im (Y/N)" You replied, your voice shaky from fear.

"What race are you? You look human but you ears are Galra." The man Shiro said and you looked down, your ears moving down in sadness.

"My father is Galra and my mother was a human" you could tell they all caught onto the word 'was' as they all seemed to now give off a comfortable and safe vibe.

"Where is your father now?" Keith asked, his eyes burning into yours.

"My father is Sendak. He is the captain of this ship." All of their eyes widened. "Though i do not consider him as my father. He does not care for me and has since my birth locked me away." You couldn't stop the words from coming out your mouth, staring down at the floor. There were long moments of silence until you heard some whispering from the males. And when it stopped, you looked up, seeing that both Shiro and Lance had left, Keith standing at the doorway looking at you.

"I would like to inform you that the reason why me and my team are on this ship is because we were sent here by Princess Allura of Altea to save prisoners. By our understandings, you seem to be prisoner as well despite being related to Sendak. If you would like, we can take you away from here, help you find a new home where he won't find you." Your eyes widened and when Keith finished talking you ran over to him and hugged him tightly, trying to hold back tears from falling. At first Keith was frozen but then he wrapped his arms around you, giving you the comfort you needed.

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