Lance x Male!Reader

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Requested by rin_shima

"(m/n) was a help to the team and is with Lance during one battle on earth but falls out of the Blue Lion. He gets hurt near the point of death and lance could never leave his side until (m/n) wakes up to a crying lance soon after they could confess feelings"

Hope this is what you wanted! Sorry it took so damn long for me to do, my mental health has been a bit shit lately.

Also i know it says Male!Reader but im pretty sure this fairly gender neutral so females feel free to read this as well <3



Pain. A sharp stab to the ribs, a bulldozer to the head, a building crushing your leg. That's what it felt like as you woke up, your vision blurry from the pounding in your head as you tried to take in your surroundings.

The room was white, and bright, the lights doing nothing to help your head. It smelt clean, way too clean to be a normal bedroom in a house. The atmosphere was calm, almost like you meant to feel safe here.

You tried to move but you couldn't, your body felt paralyzed, you wanted to move but it wouldn't listen. You guessed that was for the best as you felt shock waves of pain shoot up your leg and your chest, making you yelp silently.

The only part of you that could move was you're head, slowly however. As you moved it, you caught a glimpse of a tall figure slumped in the chair beside what you deducted was a hospital bed. You already knew it was Lance, that hair and that snore could only belong to one person.

After you watched him for a few peaceful moments, you took a quick look around, noting the heart monitor next to the bed. You turned your head towards the ceiling, trying to devise how you got here, memories of what you hoped was only the day before resurfaced in your head.


"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BRING YOUR COW!" You shouted as you finally noticed the massive cow stashed away in the corner of the blue lion. You eyes were wide with shock, mouth fallen wide open. 'Trust lance to bring his pet along with him on missions' you thought, staring at Lance like he had just lost his mind.

"Why not? Come on let them have an adventure!" Lance replied, laughing as piloted his lion. You shook your head in disbelief, honestly the nerve of this boy.

"How the hell did you even get them in here?" You said, a hand clasped on Lance's chair, stabilizing yourself with each movement of the lion.

"... I'd rather not talk about that." He said and you tilted your head towards him, furrowing your brows as if to say 'you what mate'.

"Jesus christ im tagging along with an idiot." You said, however your tone was not rude, but fond. Lance only laughed at your comment, flying his lion into Earths atmosphere. "Man, haven't been here in a while."

Lance hummed in agreement, a feeling of homesickness forming in his stomach. You noticed the feeling on his face, placing a hand on his shoulder and rubbing it gently. For a moment you were both silent, taking in the beauty earth provided.

"Alright Paladins, the Galra ships have been tracked to New York, remember to watch each others backs." Shiro said over the communicator.

"After this when we win, can we go get some human food? We cant leave here without some human food." Hunk said and you wholeheartedly agreed with him.

"Im gonna have to agree with Hunk, this may be our only chance for a while to eat something that is actually good." Keith replied.

"Win this fight, and you can do whatever you want here. Right now though, we need to keep our minds set on defeating the galras." Shiro, the ever so serious man he is, said.

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