End of the line

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Long time no see...

So um this book is now discontinued purely cause i have no motivation or inspiration to write anything anymore and i just dont watch voltron anymore either. The first 2 seasons were good but then it got bad imo.

I'll be deleting all the author notes from this amd season reviews, but i'll keep everything else up because alot.of you seem to like reading thia stuff over and over again which i thank you for, even if idont write foe this anymore, the votes and comments are still so sweet.

But yea, this account is dead. I been through a fuck ton of shit the past month and a bit. Basixally, my signing off message is: take care of yourselves and go easy on yourselves. Nobody is perfect and you are going to make.mistakes, your going to lose people you care for and you're going to experience hurt and sadness. But you are only human, and you tried your best, so try.love yourself a bit more x

Love you all and happy pride month ❤️

Peace out x

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