Hunk x Female!Reader

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Requested by RedMerchant

I am so fricking sorry for this being so late! I had massive writers block hit me and perso- you know what im not even gonna excuse myself, please do not forgive me, i am a legit loser. I am so not proud of this and its really short and i hate myself and i just--- im sorry okay? *sobs*

Also i just wanna thank everyone for 1.8k views x i love y'all


Summary: Hunk attempts to teach Reader how to cook, more specifically an egg.

You and Hunk were sitting on the couch in the main resting area, you all came to the conclusions of calling it the "resting area" as Allura named it with some unpronounceable Altean word, all of you giving up on the word as you all failed to say it. Hunk was playing around with some gadget while you ate some food he cooked up, enjoying every bite of it.

"Honestly Hunk, I don't know how you cook so well. You are better than my mother at it! Though don't tell her that, she may just disown me" you said, polishing off the last of the food on your plate.

"My mum taught me ever since I was a little kid, its not THAT good." Hunk replied, smiling down at his gadget.

"You don't know your own potential! Even Keith compliments you on your cooking, and we all know that Keith doesn't compliment anyone!" You exclaimed, moving to sit next to him.

"Okay I will take your word for it." He mused, staring at you with fondness.

"You better! I'm so lucky to have you ya know? I'm a terrible cook so I would have starved many years ago!" You said, leaning your body against his side and clasping his hand in yours.

"I can teach you if you want?" Your face brightened up at the offer.

"Hells yea! Lets do it! Though I will not be held responsible for anyone's potential death." Hunk laughed and put his arm around you, holding you close to him.


You woke up with a grunt, the morning being the bane of your life. In the midst of your sleep fogged brain, you remembered that today was the day that your glorious boyfriend Hunk gave you cooking lessons. The day before he gave you a rough explanation of what everything in the kitchen was.

You jumped out of your bed and threw on some appropriate clothing, running out your door and towards the kitchen. Once you entered, you saw Hunk setting up the last of the equipment.

"Im here! Lets do this!" You yelled enthusiastically and Hunk laughed, motioning you over to him. You gave him a quick peck on the mouth and stared at him excitedly.

"Okay so we are going to start off with something simple. Simple being how to cook an egg" Hunk says and you nod eagerly, excited to begin your cooking lessons. In front of you there is a pan on top of a switched on element, its heated up and ready to cook contents put into it. Hunk handed you an egg and you took it carefully, making sure to not drop the fragile object. "Now lightly tap the egg on the rim of the pan so it cracks."

You did as you were told, one of hand going to the handle of the pan and the other lightly taping the egg on the rim of the pan. However, your definition of lightly must be too rough as the egg cracked fully and the contents went everywhere. You squealed slightly, jumping back to dodge any egg that could have hit you, crushed egg shell still sitting in your hand. You looked at Hunk, who was busy holding in laughter from the chaos that just ensued.

"Oh shut it! This is my first time cooking an egg!" You huffed, arms crossing over your chest.

"Okay okay, lets try that again, this time more gently." The yellow paladin said through barely contained giggles, handing you another egg. You mumbled some curse words at him, moving back towards the pan. This time tapped the egg more gently on the rim, creating a small crack in the shell. "Good! Now with your thumbs, press them against the crack and pull it apart"

You nodded slightly, tongue pocking out of your mouth in concentration. You did as you were told and pulled the egg shell apart, the contents spilling out onto the pan, a smile spreading across your face. "YES!" You yelled out as you heard the egg sizzle in the pan.

"You did it Y/N! You just cracked your very first egg successfully!" Hunk exclaimed and you did a little dance, you both forgot about the cooking egg as you celebrated until you both smelt something burning.

"Shit!" You yelled, running over to the oven and quickly turning off the element, Hunk removing the pan from it and taking it over to the rubbish bin, disposing of the ruined egg. He then placed the pan in the sink, the tap running to chill down the hot pan. "Well, that turned chaotic very quickly." You said, jumping up on to the bench and staring smugly at Hunk. Hunk snickered and walked over to you.

"Maybe I should be in charge of the cooking?" Hunk asked and you rolled your eyes, sighing grumpily.

"Fine, but I get to help sometimes!" Hunk laughed and nodded. You smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips.

Haha i hate myself and im sorry again oml i am not proud of this and i just im sorry


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