Zombie Apocalypse AU Part 2

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Requested by narvvhals

"Fighting zombies, lance making it a challenge with keith on who can kill the most zombies... Shiro wins."

So basically lance and keith are acting like Gimli and Legolas in Lord of the Rings.


"I can't believe you've done this."

Keith said suddenly, staring down at the object in front of him. His knife, not just a knife however, his FAVOURITE KNIFE, has been spray painted pink with black flowers having been drawn on by a sharpie. He spun around and looked at their little team, Pidge was staring at him confused, Hunk had shrunk in his seat like he knew something, Shiro was trying to see what had happened and Lance. Lance was smiling at him, a smug smirk on his face like he had just won the fucking lottery.

"What's happened?" Shiro asked, moving over to Keith, only to see the knife and letting out a loud laugh. Keith glared at him and Shiro shrunk into himself. "Sorry."

"Damn right your sorry." Keith mumbled, turning his gaze back to Lance who was still grinning. "You better have a good reason on why i shouldn't use this knife and kill you now."

Lance threw his hands up in defense. "I thought it was a good addition to it!"

"Lanc-" Shiro was cut off by Keith lunging towards the other boy, balling his shirt in his fist and staring at him with fury in his eyes.

"GIVE ME ONE GOD DAMN REASON TO NOT STAB YOU THROUGH THE NECK WITH THE KNIFE YOU RUINED!" Keith shouted, his anger getting the better of him.

"UHHHHH HUNK HELP ME OUT HERE!" For the love of all good Lance could not think of a single thing that Keith would care about to save his life, and he wouldn't put it past Keith to actually kill him.

"Because there's a hoard of zombies coming our way." Hunk said in a calm voice, leaning against the wall next to a window. Shiro shot over to him in an instant, looking outside the window to see a large group of zombies coming towards their base.

"Shit he's right. Keith, kill Lance later. Everyone else, get ready, we're gonna have to try kill them all." Shiro switched into leader mode, striding over to his weapons and strapping a pistol to his leg. He grabbed to of his knives and strapped a machete to his back.

"Wait wait wait, kill Lance later? How about kill Lance never?" Lance shouted at Shiro grabbing his crossbow he nicked from an armory store.

"Shut up Lance." Keith growled at him, mumbling curses as he realised he's going to have to use his now very ruined favourite knife.

"Okay no, i want to make sure i dont die from your hand. How about this, person with the most kills by the end of this battle, if i win you dont kill me, if you win i will spend all the time i have to to get your knife looking back to normal. Agree?" Lance threw out his hand for Keith to shake, Keith rolled his eyes and sighed, the rest of the team looking at him like he better take the fucking hand.

"Fine." Keith shook Lance's hand quickly.

"What happens if i win?" Shiro said, smirking at them all.

"Fuck off Shiro." Keith said, hitting him on the shoulder. Shiro only laughed and did a round to make sure everyone was ready. Despite Shiro's complaints, Hunk was prepared with his nunchucks, a knife strapped to his boot just in case he loses the nunchucks. Pidge had a very specialised weapon, a metal bar, sharpened with a switch that sent volts of electricity to the tip. According to Pidge, she can stab the zombies through the head and destroy their brain with the electricity. So far it has worked so one really questioned her, mostly to afraid of her reacting badly to their judgement.

"All right let's go." Shiro said


"IM AT 16 KEITH! BEAT THAT!" Lance shouted over the groans the zombies were making, twirling around quickly and shoot another one in the head. "WHOOOO 17!"

"18, 19, 20" Keith counted and stabbed zombies again and again, making sure they had truly died.

"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP!" Pidge shouted, plunging her spear through a zombies head and electrocuting it. "I MEAN SERIOUSLY, YOU CAN COUNT IN YOUR HEADS!"

Lance and Keith scowled at her but stopped talking through out the rest of the battle, only opening their mouths to warn other members of incoming zombies. After what felt like an hour but was only 20 more minutes, they had slain all the zombies, the rotting bodies littering the ground.

"So Keith, final count?" Lance said smugly. Keith rolled his eyes and handed his knife to Lance.

"46." Lance's face fell in shock. No way.

"You're joking." Keith shook his head, smirking the at the other boy. "Damn it. I got 46 too."

"WAIT WHAT?" Keith shouted, groaning loudly as Lance gave him a look of seriousness. "So what now?"

"You both do what the other wanted." Shiro said, smirking at them when they shot him a glare, walking towards their base. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "I win by the way, I killed 62."

"FUCK OFF SHIRO!" the two boys shouted in sync, only making Shiro laugh at them.


Hope this was good for y'all!

Also i just saw the wonder woman movie and i seriously wanna write some fanfic for her because i love her so much so if anyone is wanting to pm me a request for a reader insert, go ahead!

Alby xx

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