The Stranger - 2

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Hallo! Ya still reading this? Kewl! That means imma good/great author, right?...right?! :D lol

A brave helpless girl sets off to go save both human and monster races, but now, you were at the point of getting raped. Oh how cruel life can b-..
At the moment you were thinking this, you were thinking of that this was the end, but, a tall mysterious figure knocked the homeless drunk man off of you, sending him rolling and hitting a brick wall next to a dumpster, knocking him out cold.
You try to get a glace of your 'saver', and you try getting up, but you couldn't. While the homeless man was pickpocketing you, he found your pocket knife and unleashed the blade, examining it. Then when your 'saver' came into the scene and knocked the homeless dude off, you took a hit.
You put your hand to your stomach, you let out a groan of pain, you took a look at your hand and saw your very own blood. "Oooh crap...oooh no..." you think.
Your 'saver' glances at you, seeing that you were wounded. You since as you struggle to get up with having even more blood gushing, you yelped in pain, warm tears streaming down your cheeks. The 'saver' walks over to you, after going to the homeless man and taking back your pocket knife.
You looked up at the man, afraid if he would harm you as well. You scoot back, using your arms.
"W-... W-what do y-you want from..m-me..?" you stutter.
Suddenly, you didn't feel the ground anymore, your 'saver' had picked you up. You trembled in fear while suffering from your wound. What did he want from you? Then, a golden yellow aura surrounded you and your 'saver', this frightened you, and with a blur, you were in someone's livingroom.
"H-huh?" you were confused.
You were then set down on the couch. You watched your 'saver' walk away, you wanted to remind them they you were still wounded, but. You didn't know them..
You waited a bit for your 'saver' to come back, your blood had stained your shirt and some of the couch, whoops. You looked at the 'saver', and they looked at you, you looked away which made them chuckle.

"Hold still while I do this.." a low masculine voice spoke to you.

You looked at the 'saver', they had bandage for you and they wrapped it around your wound all the way around you and tied the ends together to keep it sturdy.

"T-thank... Thank you..." you told them

They stayed quiet while you looked at them and tried to look into their eyes, but their eyes never met yours. You gave up, you were tired from stressing out from the wound, aaaaand. Lights out.

(timeskip :3)

You slowly wake up, realizing you were no longer in the living room, where were you?

"Good, you're awake..." a voice grumbles

You look at who was speaking, it was your 'saver', but why were there metal bars? And why was he just staring at you? You wanted answer immediately.

" I?" you question him

"you're in a cage, that's where.." he chuckles, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
That's not what you meant, but at least he answered your question. You look at him and study him, good thing your so called "cage" has light, he was a skeleton, which means he's monster....

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Cuz I can, plus your a human...", he was now glaring at you, "And humans are bad news and karma".

"Then why are you talking and standing around me?".

"Cuz I'm in charge here and I'm not gonna let some pathetic human have their way..." he snapped.

"Fine then..."

You heard a door open and then suddenly slam, which made you jump. He left you. You sigh, looking at the bandaging.

"Why oh why... Why did this have to happen?" you question yourself, putting your hand on your face.


You were left alone for hours, until you heard the door creek open.
"Hm?" was your response.


I'll leave that as a cliffhanger right now, I'm just not feeling the mood of the fan fiction at the moment. I could really use some advice and hints to this, after all this is my first fan fiction writing... I want to keep you get interested too... Comment below plz.

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