A Chapter - 4

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You smiled, closed your eyes, and peacefully fell asleep.


The morning sunlight shine through the room window, glistening on you as you rested against the wall, healing in your sleep.

Sans came in to check on you as he usually did, seeing that you were asleep still, he chuckled and quietly closed the door.


[Sans' POV]

I woke up on my mattress in my room and stretched, hearing my spine pop, eh its normal for humans so it must be normal for a skeleton, right?

Anyways, I went with my normal routine and checked up on Y/N, hopefully she wasn't planning on escaping anytime soon, especially with that wound of hers. It's probably time to put a lock on that cage...

I opened the cage room door open, finding Y/N sleeping peacefully against the wall, I dunno how she found that comfortable, but its probably pretty hard to stay comfortable with a slash on your stomach. I stared at her for a little bit and shook my head, chuckled and left the room after quietly closing the door.



You woke up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. You did a small stretch and tried to get up, your bum, tailbone, back, shoulders, and stomach were giving you a hard time. You almost felt like a pregnant lady trying to get up, (XD I had to I'm sorry).

Come on.... You thought, you sat up completely, now you just had to stand up...

You huffed and stood up, sighing in relief you open the cage door then walked on over to the room door. You began to wonder what effect this would have on the future, but you had really wanted your freedom.

You froze at the door, lost in thought.
Maybe I should just stick around, Sans is only trying to help me since I'm wounded...

You walked away from the door, walked back into the cage, closed the cage door and sat back down where you had been for the past few weeks.

It wouldn't be right to just leave him after all He's done for me...I'm not cruel like that...That's not me...

You quietly thought to yourself, partially ashamed of yourself for what you almost decided to do. You were basically giving yourself a lecture.


Its been a couple of hours since what you've tried to do. You sighed as your stomach growled aggressively. Maybe you should've left the room, well now you could if you really wanted to, maybe you could situate things out with Sans with a small talk.

You got up again, got out of the cage and left the room. Plus, maybe this was the right thing to do, you really needed a shower, its been a rather long time since you've had one, and plus your hair was greasy.

You looked around the hallway and spotted a stairway to downstairs, you walk on down, finding a sleepy skeleton on the couch, you suspected it to be Sans, since Papyrus was taller than this skeleton on the couch.

A-alright, its time to talk to him about the whole cage thing... And maybe to have access to the bathroom...

You walked on down the stairs, sighing in your head, (YUP ITS POSSIBLE), and spoke.

The skeleton on the couch turned and looked at you, he had an annoyed/angry look on his face.

"Human, what are you doing out of your cage? Who told yo-... What made you think you can just walk on out of your cage?" Sans suddenly snapped, which made you take a step back, making you regret your decision.

"I..i-..." you huffed, "Sans you know very well I have a name, start using it, unless it would be fair for me to just call you a sack of bones.." you snapped back, it wasn't what you intended but, oh well..

Sans glares at you and stands up, face to skull with you, you looked up at him, you were only two feet shorter than him.

"Don't get an attitude with me, and believe me, you don't want to have a bad time..." Sans growls.
He was right, you didn't want to have a bad time, especially in the condition you were in.

"Sans, I came down here to tell you that I shouldn't be in a cage, especially since I'm wounded, and wounded people, and monsters, need proper care to heal quicker...." you explained, Sans used his hand to mimic you, you just ignored that.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say princess." Sans grumbles, you folded your arms and rolled your eyes.

"Plus, can I use the bathroom?" you asked.

"What for?" Sans snaps. You raised an eyebrow, "Wanna take a wiff or can I take a shower and be clean?" you smirked.

"Just go take a shower..." Sans irritatedly said as he looked away, signaling you to go. You smiled and headed off to the bathroom, you kinda knew your way around to the bathroom, since you've overheard the skeleton brothers walking around the house and opening and closing doors.



To be continued.... Soon....

Stay tuned my lovelies~

Just a Little Love - Gaster!Sans x Reader-Chan [PAUSED]Where stories live. Discover now