A New Place to Call Home - 6

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I'll have a talk with him when he returns...

That was your last thought until sleep over took you again.


You woke up not too long after you last thought, after all, you took a lovely nap on the couch, so sleeping on the concrete again was a struggle.

You stretched and stood up. You went to open up the cage door and gave it a pull, but you couldn't, there was a lock and a chain on it, this meant that Sans was home..

Great...just great...I just had to come back in here like a 'good human' would...

You growled and put your hand where your pocket knife would be, in your pocket, your hand only brushed against your black legginsg, you weren't wearing your pants... You sighed in defeat.

So much for freedom..

The room door opened, Sans walked in and he smirked.

"Like my new lock and chain? Now you can't get out..." Sans grinned.

"Sans, why... Its so uncalled for- wait, you think I'm going to escape! Sans, you numbskull! I wasn't even planning on doing that!" you snapped.

Sans just rolled his pinpricks.
"Say whatever ya want princess, but you ain't changing my mind...".

You sunk down to the ground, why was he being so cruel? All you wanted to do was just to stop the war and you got stopped by some homeless dude and a rude skeleton.

Tears begged for you to let them slip out, but you fought it back.

I'm going to have to tell him if I'm going to get anywhere...

"Sans, the real reason why I walked on out real late the night we met and you saved me, is because I wanted to stop the sudden war between monsters and humans...I'm not like everyone else Sans, you would know if you gave me a chance..But, with you being stubborn and holding me here, how am I supposed to stop the loss of monsters and humans?" your voice was gently as you spoke to him.
He just stayed quiet as he listened to you.

You heard Sans' footsteps come up to you, you heard a click and the fall of the chain and lock. The cage door open.

"You should've told me this sooner or I would've given you the chance you wanted.." Sans murmured.

You stood up and looked at him, you nodded.


After Sans had released you from your cage, you decided to stick around since you had no where else to stay. So, you asked if you could live with them.

"Look, letting you out of the cage was enough, now you want to live here?" Sans sounded a little surprised.

"Sans please, I can't go back to living in the human world, if I do I wouldn't get anywhere with my journey.." you pleaded.

Sans sighed, "You have a point, I don't see any harm in you living with us, but no funny business... Got it?".
You nodded.

"But what room am I staying in?" you asked. Sans began to think, "You could sleep in the spare bedroom near my bedroom". You smiled and thanked him.


[timeskip to a week]

Now that you were living with the two skeletons and that you had your very own room, you decorated it that satisfied you.

You had a wooden desk, a bookshelf, a bed (obviously), a desk spinning chair, a dresser that was full of your clothes, and a closet.

Your desk had stacks of blank lined paper and just plain blank paper, you needed these because you were obsessed with drawing and writing.
You had color pencils of all colors, including pens, and you had unlimited amounts of pencils and mechanical pencils, you also have a pencil sharpener.

(Sorry, I like to detail things...Sometimes).

You basically fell in love with your room, you even had white curtains on your windows! (I don't have curtains so its somewhat exciting to me ;-;).


You walked on out of your room in your pj's and some volleyball shorts, you didn't play the sport but you got heat rashes whenever you went to sleep so the shorts helped. You began humming a lullaby your parents used to sing you to get you to sleep, it was called his theme.

You went downstairs and into the kitchen, you opened up the fridge and bent down to grab the milk, the brothers sure did have a weird way of sorting things, bug you weren't much a judger.

You continued to hum his theme as you closed the fridge door and opened a cabinet and grabbed a glass. Milk in the morning was your habit.

Sans came down the stairs and saw the way you were dressed, he smirked. You were chugging you glass of milk, some milk missed your mouth and went down you neck, pah you didn't care.

"Geez kid, slow down on the chugging..." Sans' voice shook a little, which made you even more confused.

(I'm sorry, getting a bit inappropriate but, there's gonna be more in the story.... Why do you think its marked mature?).

You put the empty glass down, you looked at Sans who was slightly blushing a golden yellow.

You smirked, course Sans was a pervert, he was at the age of it.

Sans was just staring at you.
You grinned, "It's rude to stare Sans~".
Sans coughed and looked away, he blushed even deeper. You just giggled and grabbed a paper towel and wiped off the milk.

You went upstairs and back into your room to change your clothes to Sans' clothes that you still had, you giggled.

After changing into Sans' turtle neck and your black skinny jeans that fitted you just right, you put on your dark red converse. You brushed your hair and went back on out downstairs and plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV.

Heh, it's fun to tease Sans~...


Stay tuned lovelies~

Just a Little Love - Gaster!Sans x Reader-Chan [PAUSED]Where stories live. Discover now