chapter 3

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Enzo sat with his pals Cassidy and Carmella.

He hoped to get a relationship like them one day.

Cassidy smirked like he read Enzo his mind " Babe, Guess who has the hots for Enzo "

Carmella smiled " lets see... Emma ? " Cassidy shook his head " no "

Carmella frowned " who else is as weird as Enzo ? "

Enzo sighed " Cassidy just drop it "

Cassidy wasn't going to drop this. " you will never believe it but Its Sasha Banks "

Carmella jumped up in the restaurant " The Sasha Banks ?!? You got to be kidding me ? "

Enzo glared at her " sit down Carmella "

Carmella laughed and turned to him " so have you taken her out yet ? "

Cas laughed " she isn't his type "

Carmella rolled her eyes " comon Sashs is everyone's type, she is even my type  "

Cass smirked " maybe we should have a threesome "

Carmella smirked " maybe we should " She then kissed her boyfriend.

She whispered something in his ear and he got up.

Carmella looked at Enzo " why don't you like her ? "

Enzo shrugged " I do like her, she is a fun girl to be around but I'm just not into her "

Carmella rolled her eyes " comon take her on a date "

Enzo laughed and shook his head " I don't want to give her false hope "

Carmella rolled her eyes " you are an idiot Enzo, how could you resist Sasha ? "

He shrugged and sighed " I don't know Carm but I said it before, she is a great girl, just not for me "

Carmella shook her head. " take her on a date, lets see if you still think the same after that "

Enzo laughed " I'll try, but I can't promise anything tho "

Carmella nodded " you will do it for me "

Enzo shrugged " probably, but you'll owe me and if the date fails, you'll double owe me "

Enzo got up and left Carmella. He went to Sasha her place.

He felt awkward doing this. He had no intresse in her but Carmella wasn't going to drop this so he had to give it a shot.

Sasha opened the door after he knocked. She seemed surprised but smiled.

" Enzo... " He nodded " Sasha, Hey I want to say sorry for being so rude, I probably didn't mean it, I want to make it up to you "

Sasha shook her head " Its okay, you don't have too "

Enzo wanted to smile, say goodbye and turn around to leave but didn't.

Instead he took her hand " let me take you on a date "

Sasha sighed " Really Enzo, you don't have to force yourself "

Enzo shook his head " I want to do this "

Sasha then smiled " then okay " Enzo winked " I'll pick you tomorrow at 7, wear something not too fancy, were going swimming "

Sasha frowned " 7 am or... ? " Enzo laughed " Pm "

He walked away. He was relieved. He wanted to get the date over with as fast as he could.

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