chapter 9

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" will you be my boyfriend ? " Sasha quietly asked.

Enzo looked shocked " that's not fair " Sasha bit her lip. She knew it was a mistake " I'm sorry " Enzo shook his head  " nothing to be sorry about, I just wanted to be the one to pop the question "

Sasha laughed " then why didn't you ? " Enzo sighed " I wanted it to be special " Sasha stroke his hair " anywhere with you is special to me "

enzo smiled " I want to take you out, Lets go out of the country, just you and me " Sasha laughed " where ? "

He stroke her chin " its a surprise " Sasha giggled

" how about after clash ? " Enzo shrugged "whenever you want to go my darling "

Sasha kissed him " in 2 weeks it is "

The next day Sasha hung out with Bayley. Bayley looked at her. " have you spoken to xav ? "

She shook her head " no, I don't know what to say to him "

Bayley hugged him " just talk to him, please "

Sasha sighed and nodded " alright, where is he ? "

Bayley smirked " at the gym " Sasha got up " lets go then "

Both women took a cab to the gym. Sasha had no clue what she was going to say to him.

Bayley looked at Sasha " how are you and Enzo ? "

Sasha blushed " fine, he is really the sweetest guy ever "

Bayley laughed " I spoke to Dean last night "

Sasha nodded " yeah...? " Bayley shrugged " It won't happen between us, he really loves Renee "

Sasha knew that " I'm sorry B, It'l be alright "

She hugged her friend and she laughed " look who's the hugger now "

Sasha went to Enzo "so I was thinking, how about we go on our vacation after clash ? "

I really want to focus on the title and all. I have to train my but of to beat Charlotte. She is really good you know..."

Enzo cutt her off with a kiss " yeah, its alright "

Sasha was relieved.

Sasha knew Enzo was the best boyfriend in the world.

Time passed by and Sasha was back in the ring with Charlotte and Dana. Foley joined them. They had to disguise who was going to face Charlotte for her championship.

Sasha knew for sure it was going to be here. There wasn't really anyone else who wanted to step up.

So thought Sasha. That was untill Bayley her music hit. Sasha frowned

What was Bailey doing here? She came into the ring and looked apologetic at Sasha.

Because the fact that she beat Sasha last week, she thought it should be her match.

Sasha was irritated.  As much as she loved Bayley, this was her natch, her time, her unfinished buisness with Charlotte.

Bayley was having none of it and kept saying she needs her match.

So mick folley decided to make a match between Sasha and Bayley to find out who the nr 1 contendernis, later due drama this match turned into a triple treat, Dana joined them.

Charlotte looked like she was ready to kill someone and she was. She was willing to kill anyone. No one was allowed to take her title.

The match finally ended and Sasha won....or did she.
Charlotte noticed both Sasha and Bayley's shoulder's were down so she figured there was no nr 1 contender. Mick thought otherwise. He decided it was going to be.

Bayley vs Sasha vs Charlotte

I'm sorry sucky short chapter, I know, I just wanted to give you guys an update. I promise a longer chapter soon. I love you

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