chapter 12

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It was late and Enzo decided to stay the night at Sasha's. Sasha was more then excited for this. She was happy. She always missed Enzo at night whenever she was alone and now he was staying. She would be able to cuddle with him and stuff. She was also nervous in case something more happened

Enzo held her in his arms " I can't believe the most beautiful girl is here in my arms "

Sasha looked at him " how you doin stud "

He kissed her lips " I am fine boss " Sasha stroke his neck " Enzo...when are we going know, become 1 "
He laughed " soon...I want it to be special "

She laughed and he kissed her nose before they finally went to bed.

Sasha woke up. Enzo her head was on her breast. Normally she would wake up at once but she wanted to cherish this moment.

Enzo opened his eyes " you are awake beautiful " she nodded " You sleep adorable "

He nodded " as do you, I slept on your breast, close to your heart to feel your heart beat "

Sasha had no idea where this guy came from but it was probably heaven.

God did not forget about her and send her an angel.
A calm, gentle funny one. She played with his hair. I can't wait to wake up to this every night.

Enzo kissed her " you will, we will also have little once running around "

Sasha laughed " that be great "

Sasha walked around on raw. This was her last time to win the championship. Was she going to win? She hated Charlotte, the only reason they gave her so many success is cause ric wants too. Unlike her Sasha worked her but off. Sasha was doing this on her own. She did not need anyone.

Seth joined her " Sasha, Focus on her, focus on nothing else but her "

Sasha nodded " I know " He shook his head

" you don't know think of Charlotte as your friend, at that moment Charlotte is not your friend, Dana? Do something about that "

Sasha shook his head " like you said, I should focus on Charlotte, Dana is nothing to me "

Seth shook his head " you are wrong, you are very wrong "

Sasha ignored him and walked away. Seth sighed

He had to do something about it.

Sasha went to the ring. She was nervous. She always was nervous whenever she had to wrestle.

Charlotte entered the ring. Her side kick psycho wasn't with her. Sasha always thought there was something wrong with her.

She smiled. It was now a lot easier for her. She didn't have to fear for Dana interfering.

It was just Sasha vs Charlotte. She was ready for this. In Charlotte her eyes she saw the fear.

Sasha smiled " where is Dana ? " Charlotte shrugged " I don't know, she was suppose to be right behind me "

Sasha shrugged " maybe its for the best, She was always an distraction to you anyway "

The match started. Charlotte mentally prayed Dana would come out. She knew she was a good wrestler but she needed Dana tonight. She wasn't ready on facing Sasha on her own. She was going really crazy.

Sasha was now more confident then ever. She was going to win.

Ashley was a great women but Charlotte was trying to take over and Sasha did not like that. She would always be Mercedes no matter what. This wrestling match was going to be most fun. She was going to beat Charlotte while her daddy was watching downstairs and there was nothing he or that thing dana could do about it.

Enzo stood back backstage. He was also sure Sasha was going to win. Bayley joined him

" I took care of Dana, seth told me too, now Sasha can wrestle in peace "

Enzo laughed " what do we have here "
Bayley smirked " the most evil cute little kid "

Enzo nodded " you got that right, hey B, do you think Seth likes Sasha ? "

Bayley laughed " of course he does but just as a friend, why ? "

Enzo sighed " I am jealouse, Sasha is everything to me, I can't lose her "

Bayley smiled " that is so cute, I hope I can find a man like that "

Enzo nodded " you will " Bayley sighed " I like dean...but he and I are too impossible "

Enzo laughed " Look at Sasha and I, no fan would ship us if it wasn't for that segment we had "

Bayley nodded " true but Renee, I can't keep up with her, she is so pretty, she has a nice body, she is so mature "

Enzo laughed " that's what makes are different dean is not mature either he is very childish, get to know him"

Bayley smiled " thanks bro, you are the best and maybe I will"

Enzo nodded " thats why Sasha fell for me duh you really should get to know him, he'll like you "

Bayley nodded " uhm I hope so Enzo, I really do "
The match ended. The boss won. Enzo was so happy. He jumped up and ran to the gorilla with bayley.

Sadly he was a little late. Seth was already waiting for her.

He hugged her and Sasha hugged him back. Enzo kept watching. That was his girl. No one was allowed to touch his girl.

Seth placed a kiss on her cheek. Enzo was dying of anger.

Sorry it took ages to update. School started again so I is Lazy and busy.

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