'i love you' introduction

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You aka Jasmine-Grace Holder
Age : 16
Hair colour: Brownish Redish
Eye colour: Dark brown

Joseph Matthew Birlem
Age: 16
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Hazel

Introduction of your life:
Your Parents are divorced, you live with your dad in Texas while your mum and brother Tayler Holder live in LA. Your dad is moving for his job over seas so your moving in with your mum and brother.
Tayler is over protective of you and will do anything to keep you safe.

Cameron Dallas is your cousin he is really close to Tayler and is also very over protective of you.

Other people ( mostly from magcon ) will make appearances in this book

( a/n hey thanks for making it to this part of my book, I don't really have a scheduled posting sorry! I hope you like it please no hate xx)

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