'i love you' Chapter nine

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You were all sitting on the lounges talking and laughing. Joey just kept staring at you and smiling. You thought it was cute! It was getting late nearly time to go to bed.
Joey: Jasmine-Grace wanna go watch a movie
You: sure.
Joey: I'm just going to get my stuff and put it in your room.
Tayler cut him off and said
Tayler: Joey can I have a word
You mumbled under your breathe 'knew it'
Cameron: yep come into this room lil Joseph.
Cody was in stitches by now, he knew exactly what was coming for Joey. You were laughing a little too.


Tayler: Why are you taking your stuff to Jasmine's room?
Joey: i'm just going to crash in there.
Cameron: On the floor right?
Joey: no on the bed next to Jasmine-grace, guys I'm fourteen.
Both Tayler and Cameron looked at each other.
Cameron: as I was saying your sleeping on the floor after the movie just simply move there okay?
Joey nodded.
Tayler: Don't do anything stupid.
Joey: I know guys, i'll sleep on the floor.
you guys started to re enter the room when Tayler pulled you back and said....
Tayler: Don't hurt her feelings Birlem, she really loves you.
Joey was looking at the floor smiling from that end part.
Joey went up stairs to get his stuff and take it in your room.
You: you didn't harass my best friend did you?
Tayler: nope just a simple conversation.
Cameron nodded in agreement.
Joey came back down stairs and you said goodnight to the boys as you followed Joey upstairs and entered your room.
You: Everything alright with the boys?
Joey: yep all good. What movie should we watch?
You: How about the fault in our stars.
Joey: sure lets set it up.
You set it up on your laptop and you layed next to Joey with your heads on his shoulder, you were playing with his fingers.
He just smiled at you and kissed you on the cheek which made your heart nearly jump out of your chest. every time he called you beautiful you got butterflies, every time he held your hand you felt sparks, every time he smiled your heart melted, every time he did anything you fell in love over and over again. You thought to yourself 'Were like bestfriends who are in love but not a couple, weird I know but I like it'

skip most of the movie

you paused the movie because you could see joey slowly drifting off on your shoulder, you just smiled and put your arms around him as you kissed his cheek making him wake up and jolt away from you which confused you.
You: Come on Joey lets get under the blankets.
Joey: Im going to sleep on the carpet
You: noooooo Joey you can sleep up here-
he cut you off
Joey: no I can't, can you please pass me a pillow and blanket.
You just did as he asked and stared at him laying on the floor facing away from you.
You: Goodnight Joseph
Joey: night
You: I love you
Joey: love you
By now you were extremely confused he jolted away when you kissed him, he didn't want to sleep next to you and he gave you short answers. You fell asleep like usual, with Joey on your mind except this time they wern't very good thoughts.

( A/N hey guys follow my Instagram fanpage @birlemplease ❤️❤️❤️ )

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