'I love you' Chapter twenty one

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That night you slept or at least attempted to sleep at the hospital in the chair next to joeys bed holding his fragile hand in yours. Jen tried to convince you to go home but you couldn't, you couldn't leave him. Tayler, Cody and Charles went to your apartment to have a shower and change there clothes but they came back within an hour or so . At the moment the boys, Jen and Sophie were sitting outside in the waiting room, Kelianne went to get some food for everyone.

A nurse came in the room breaking your trail of thought as she greeted you
Nurse: good morning
You: morning
you voice was quiet but loud enough for her to hear you.
Nurse: have you eaten or drank anything since yesterday miss?
She moved around Joeys bed fixing his drip and wires and things.
You: no, umm my friend has gone to get some food.
Nurse: okay well if there is anything you need just ask someone at the reception desk for me, my names Louise.
You: i'm Jasmine thank you Louise.
She smiled at you as she started to open the door and walk out. You couldn't take the curiosity so you asked....
You: ummm Louise
She turned to face you and let go of the door.
Louise: yes dear
You: ugh how is he doing?, will he-e, will he recover?
As far as you know the doctor told the others his report and how he was doing when you were asleep and kelianne and Tayler agreed it was best not to wake you up. You wanted to know as much as you were scared it would be horrible news. Louise sighed
Louise: He has lost a lot of blood and due to that, passed out which effected him enough to cause him to go into a coma. As you can see the gash on his head was treated with stitches and is now healing which will not be that long. He will have many bruises and cuts which will eventually either scar or fade. Its quite hard to tell. But yeah thats how his been. He will most likely come out of this and recover, When? we don't know. Coma can last up to months.
You took in everything and felt relieved knowing he will most likely come out of this and you will hear his voice, his laugh and you will see his smile, his beautiful face and you will feel his warmth, his touch.
You: thank you
Louise: no problem dear, i have to go but will be back shortly to tell the others the test results if you want to join them outside in waiting area B
You: yes thank you.
You followed Louise out the door and to the room as you bumped into Charles
Charles: hey I was just coming to get you, Kelianne got some food for us.
You: thanks
You chuckled dryly
Charles: Jasmine are you okay?
He wiped your tear that you didn't even know was falling and embraced you into a hug, a brotherly hug.
You and Charles knew each other briefly before you knew Joey but never hung out much due to him living in LA and you in Texas.
You: sorry
Charles: its fine lets go eat yeah?
You: yeah.
you gave him one last hug and then followed him to the waiting room.
Kelianne: Hey how are you holding up?
You gave her a hug then smiled.
You: yeh i'm getting there you?
Kelianne: i'm okay has the nurse or someone explained his condition to you.
You: yeh just then
Kelianne: okay good.
You greeted everyone and sat down as everyone started to dig in to the food.

By the end of the day everyone besides you and tayler went home. You didn't want to leave incase he woke up and Tayler wouldn't leave you. Jen ands Sophie were gonna come back tomorrow and Kelianne and Cody are gonna come occasionally.

8 days after.

Your not happy and you haven't acted like you are, you've just been calm and are coping with things, he hasn't woken up. You've been home a few times since the incident because Tayler has convinced you. Right now you have just arrived the hospital because you've decided you wanted to stay the night. As you start to drift off into a deep thought you feel Joey squeeze your hand. You thought it was just your imagination like every other time. But this time it happened again and Joeys eyes fluttered open and he started coughing frantically. You ran out the door screaming
You: Nurse, nurse!!!
Louise and a different nurse rushed in. 20 minutes later he was calmed down and explained to him what happened the last week. You walked to his side a few tears streamed down your face, he reached out to wipe your tears, you put your hand on top of his.
Joey: Jasmine-Grace
All you did was give him a grateful smile, soft tears still streaming down your face.
Joey:i'm sor-
you cut him off before he apologised, not caring about the situation for the moment. All you cared about was him. HIs safe. HIs alive. You couldn't ask for more.
You: no not now, just don't worry about it for now.
Joey took your hand in his and smiled,
Joey: I missed you
You started crying again, except more heavier this time
Joey: Why are you crying Jasmine-Grace
You: I missed you too, more then you can ever imagine.
You fell into him as you attempted to pull him into a hug, your head on his chest and his hands around your waist. You held onto each other as if it was for dear life.
Joey: jeez Jasmine-Grace, were happy about me being alive yet your trying to squeeze me to death.
You giggled
You: sorry
You got off of Joey and within 5 minutes Jen, Sophie, Tayler, Cody, kelianne and Charles were all at the hospital. Each taking turns in to come talk to him. You just sat outside talking to whoever wasn't in the room. You thought it was best for everyone to have there alone time with Joey. Jen (if you didn't know its Joeys mum) just came out of the room and was walking towards you.
Jen: Hey hun thought to tell you the doctors just told me that he will be out tomorrow afternoon, if its okay with you can he still stay at your apartment? (okay that part might of confused you, but I mentioned it in a previous chapter. Its Jasmines, Tayler and Codys apartment but Joey normally stays there every night)
You: of course he can, his clothes and stuff is already there.
Jen: yes, i'll drive him to the apartment still so I can explain which meds he needs to take to you just incase Joey forgets.
Sophie who was sitting next to you interrupted
Sophie: because you know its Joey, his a lil in the head sometimes
Jen: ohhhh Sophie don't talk about your brother like that
The three of you all just laughed.

Not long after Cody, Tayler and Kelianne came out of his room and told you that Joey was asking for you, so you went to his room were he sat up and gestured for you to sit on the bed, facing him.
Joey: I know you told me not to talk about it now, but it needs to be said.
You nodded, knew that he was talking about the kiss.
Joey: So while I was out, I saw Loren and Jordyn at this restaurant and a while back Loren had a small crush on me but I thought things were sorted so I went up to her as a friend asking for advice about something and she suggested we went to a park across the road to talk about it. I parked a fair bit away so Charles thought it would be a good idea to go get the car. As he was gone she started flirting with me and I tried to remind her that I had you but she didn't listen and she kissed me.
Everything started to make sense to you, Joey continued.
Joey: I left her and Jordan and got straight in the car after that, I was out because I asked Charles to help me plan a date day, which was supposed to be the day after that, which I wanted to be perfect and ......
Your heart dropped from his idea and from his cuteness as he mumbled on about it having to perfect. You just pulled him into a hug.
You: I love you
As he stroked your hair he mumbled
Joey: I love you too.
That night you were happy and so were the others, Joey was resting and you all went home to get some definitely needed sleep!

Well hello, it's been a while!
I've been incredibly busy. I went on a cruise and was spending lots of time with family. We hit 3k reads so thank you so much!! Please vote and share this story with your friends. Anyways the story is gonna be nearing a end but not to soon. Have a lovely day xx

Contact me on my social medias:
Instagram(fanpage): birlemplease
Instagram (spam account): ultratayla
Instagram(joint account): Taylaandbelle
I have a lot of instagrams and I haven't even mentioned my main 😂
Twitter: taylageorges
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