"i love you" Chapter twenty two

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You visited Joey in the morning, Jen and Sophie were there helping him pack and get ready to leave. The doctors still had to do a few more tests and things as well as prescribe medication and all the information needed incase something were to happen. After sitting with him while you both sipped on a hot chocolate, you decided you'd go home and get ready for Joey to come home. You took a detour and went to the shops to buy his favourite snacks, caramello koalas, popcorn and malteaser ice-cream! Quickly rushing home and unpacking everything just in time for the doorbell to ring. You opened the door to be greeted by a smiley Joey, sassy Sophia and a happy Jen.
You: Hey guys
Jen & Soph: Hey Jaz
Joey: Hey babe
You smiled at his nickname even though he uses it all the time you still blushed.
As Sophie helped Joey put his stuff in your room Jen explained to you, Tayler and Cody his medications and things incase anything were to happen.
Joey: mum ill be fine.
Tayler: shhhh little Joseph
Joey: i'm not even little, i'm nearly 20 bro
Cody and Tayler stared at each other as Joey chuckled.
Cody: still our little Joseph.
You smiled at there friendship.
Everyone bid Jen and Sophie bye as they went back home.
Joey; it feels good to be back home
You: mhmm I prefer you being home better.
You giggled as Joey pulled you into a hug
You: be careful, jeez Joseph you could hurt yourself more then you already are.
Joey: calm down jasmine, Its just a hug I won't hurt myself
You smiled and pushed his falling hair off his face as you pulled him into a gentle hug.
Joey: so what do you wanna do, a movie?
You: sure netflix movies it is
You dragged him into your room. Joey scrolled through the movies in bed as you walked back into the room a bowl of popcorn in your hand.
Joey: what about xoxo? it looks good
You: yeah sure.
As you layed down together watching this great movie you thought about your relationship and all the things the two of you have been through together. It did not feel like you guys were gonna graduate in only a few months time.

you guys are half way so i thought a little surprise/encouragement chapter will help you guys up the votes to 1000!!!!

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