'i love you' Chapter fourteen

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Joey: wake up, wake up

You: what, what!

Joey: I came over to take you with me to wet n wild (pretend they have it in La idk if they do)

You grabbed your phone and checked the time

You: Joey!! its 6:30 Omg. Why it's so-

He cut you off with a small peck on the lips then said

Joey: .....Adventures awaits, come on get up and get ready

He pulled you up and out of your bed

You: Have you told tayler?

Joey: of course, he said it was fine we just need to be back by 5:30

You: okay, give me 20 minutes

You stretched and chucked a backpack to Joey, which he started to pack a jumper for you both and some snacks and water

You got changed into swimmers because you noticed Joey wearing board shorts. You then just chucked on some 3 quarter track pants and a t-shirt, a white hat that had 'Justins bae' in bold black writing with your black nike shoes. You decided to wear your hair in two dutch braids which you quickly did.

You: Joey, did you pack money.

he cam out up stairs and nodded

You took your phone off charge and grabbed your backpack said goodbye to Cody and Tayler then continued out the apartment doors with your hand in Joeys.

You: so where we off to Birdlime?

Joey: I'm not sure

You: what do you mean

Joey started running then stopped in front of a bus time table he pointed to a place that looked like a small hike section.

Joey: it's here come on

You saw a bus with the correct numbers as the timetable where Joey pointed.

You both scanned your cards and hopped on (btw it was Saturday) it was nearly empty, your stop was the fourth. It had been an hour and a half

Bus driver: Palm beach stop.

You both jumped off and walked along the beach to a little sign that said 'climb to light house'

(theres a place like this in Sydney and I always go there infact i went on Monday😂)

Joey: let's go

He grabbed your hand and you guys talked for about half an hour, you got up to the top and started to walk off path, you could see the beautiful water.

You found then little rock where you could see the bottom of it, it was hanging off the edge.

You: Joey look

Joey turned around his eyes widened as he saw you close to the edge

Joey: please be careful

You could hear the worry in his voice

You: I will be Joey

you chuckled

Three hours later you guys had explored and decided to go eat lunch at a small surf cafe that showed you the beautiful beach after this you guys took a walk to the other beach across the bay, you spent 3 hours just laying on the beach talking, laughing and enjoying each other.

You checked the time and realised it was time to go if you wanted to be in time for the bus, so up you guys got walking hand in hand back to the bus stop just in time for it to come. Your eyes grew heavier and Joey could sense you were tired so when you sat down he pulled your head into the crook of his arm and told you to rest which you immeadiently accepted. Time pasted and you felt a small shake and woke up Joey told you that the next stop was yours, as soon as you guys got home you checked the time realising you were 30 minutes earlier then Tayler expected so you grabbed starbucks from the pop up cart outside the apartments and slowly made your way to taylers apartment.

Joey followed you to your bedroom after you both said hi and goodnight to Cody and Tayler.

Joey: Goodnight Jasmine-Grace

You: No, where are you going?

Joey: home it's 5:30 and I thought you'd be tired.

You didn't let him finish explaining you crashed his lips into yours and the butterflies erupted in your stomach

You: stay

Joey was in shock and taking in what just happened but he didn't hesitate to jump throw his shirt off and change into the pair of basketball shorts he keeps at your house as he climbed into your bed. You just laughed and grabbed some pjs as you went to get shower and do your night routine in your ensuite.

Joey: Jasmine-Grace

You: yes Joey

Joey: come to bedded

his voice was raspy, he must of fallen asleep when you were showering.

You: okay cutie

Joey: yeh yeh just come here

He pulled you into his chest and kissed your forehead.

You heard little snores and eventually fell into a deep sleep.

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