'i love you' Chapter twenty

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About 30 minutes later

I feel as if my heart has broken into a million pieces and has inter flowed into the deep blue ocean. My eyes hurt and felt puff, you assumed they were red or bloodshot. Your phone has constantly been buzzing but you have ignored it till now.

4 calls and 2 texts from kelianne.

8 calls from Joey

1 text from Charles

You figured that Charles and Joey were together today and Kelianne rung Joey to explain the situation.

Slowly you put your phone onto the sand and held your head in your hands, you would of cried but all the tears were out, you had nothing left. You needed Tayler and the comfort he gave as your big brother, it was tempting to text him but you knew it would just make him worried and that he would instantly come back from who evers holiday house him and Cody are staying at for the week.

You were about to call Kelianne to ask if she was still with Luna and for her to pick you up but you felt a light tap on your right shoulder causing you to turn your head and meet eyes with Keliannes. You jumped into her arms and hugged her tightly. You thought you had no tears left but you were wrong!

Kelianne: i'm sorry, I thought he was-never mind. Luna took a bus home said she wanted to catch up with Jordan and Loren

The mention of there names made you furious but you controlled yourself.

you: its okay, i'll be fine, i-i was just wrong. I'm disappointed in my self for falling to hard .
Your voice soft but laced with thick, deep emotion.

Kelianne: no Jasmine! you can't do that! you can give up on your relationship. Let him explain don't cut to conclusions!
You jumped at her harsh but calm tone.

You: why are you acting like this? he obviously doesn't love me, I wasn't the one to give up he was!

Kelianne: STOP! get in the car

You: no, don't baby me! I don't wanna go home and see him, I know he will be there

Kelianne: i'm sorry, just please- his not gonna be there when we get there just get in the car.
Satisfied wither calm tone and apolgy you hopped in the passenger seat of her car, buckled in and leaned against the window, a million thoughts, emotions and memories flashed through your mind as you watched the city lights and cars drive.

Kelianne didn't say a word nor did you the whole way home it was a comfortable silence though. She gave you a hug when you guys were in the elevator on the way up to your level, and muttered a sorry again.

You both entered the apartment and splitter ways you to your room and kelianne to the kitchen to make hot chocolates like she mentioned when you were opening the door.

As you curled into bed with your hot chocolate and Kelianne sitting at the end of your bed, you heard a knock on the door, Kelianne raced up and opened it you heard small muffles.

The time was 7. 7?, who would come over at this- no your mind ran wild Joey.

You assumed it was him who knocked on your door so you kept quiet and acted as if you were asleep.

Joey walked in and sat at the edge of your bed.

Joey: Jasmine-Grace I know your awake.

You: leave

Joey: jasmin-

You: no, joey just go, I don't need you excuse or for you to lie to me sing the oh most powerful three words because I don't care anymore have Loren! I obviously wasn't good enough!

Joey: Jasmine-grace please don't do this, I love you more then I love myself and I need you like I need oxygen please dear God, please let me explain.

Your breathe hitched when you heard him lie. pfft love? no way.


You screamed as loud as your small lounges could scream

You saw a glossy sheen in Joey's eyes as he got up and left without saying a word.

By now your bed blanket was sprung across the floor, you were standing up near the edge of the bed and Kelianne was watching you from the door frame. About 5 minutes past and you heard a loud beep and then a crash. Kelianne sprung from her feet and to your balcony which over looked a set of traffic lights.


for her to react like that you knew something was up so you obeyed her and ran after her. Slamming the door behind you and fiddling with your keys in your pocket as you reached the elevator.

You: Whats wrong?

She gulped

Kelianne: I have a gut feeling that was Joey.

Your heart sank at the thought and you suddenly panicked.

The door opened and you both rushed out the both the entry doors and to the traffic lights where it was if as everything became slow motion. You saw a lifeless Joey sprung across the ground about 3 metres away from 2 cars which looked mushed together.

You forced your legs to run to his bloody body as you cradled his head in your lap and cried your eyes out, muttering profanities. Your feelings were un describable. Your eyes layed over the big gash on his head, pouring out with blood. A bigger panic went through your head and you starting yelling


Kelianne held you as you held onto Joey for dear life. She got up and went to assess the situation and do what you assume was call Tayler, Charles his family and anyone she thought was important to call.

You stroked his bloody hair and held his weak hand. devastated and torn apart.

One of the paramedics pulled your body away from Joeys as the other to grabbed his limp body in a bed ( thing, idk what there called sorry) You tried to fight off the paramedic but she was to strong.

Paramedic 1 (the one who pulled you off): m'am i'm gonna need to to calm done. shhh please

You eventually gave up and was hugged by Kelianne again.

Kelianne: shhh it's okay, Tayler and cody are driving back they will b there in about an hour, Charles and Sophie and Jen going straight to the hospital.

Paramedic 1: I assume you are some what related to Joseph, so we need you to hurry in the ambulance.

You nodded and followed her. Kelianne was staying back to take her own car.

The 10 minute ride to the hospital what horrific, They attempted to clean Joeys massive gash but settled that it needed stitches, he wasn't responding and he went into a coma once you got to the hospital.

You stood their and complete forgot about the photo and the kiss, you watched them move around his lifeless body and put needles and cords and masks and everything just stopped, you didn't cry you just admired him. You instantly missed the sound of his voice, the feeling of his touch, the pounding in your heart everytime you saw his breathe taking smile.


Well that took a emotional turn didn't it.

Sorry for updating late but I wrote the last chapter at 10pm on a school night so I had to stop half way through this chapter to sleep. so yeah. the next chapter may be late. Sorry

Contact me on my social medias:
Instagram(fanpage): birlemplease
Instagram (spam account): ultratayla
Instagram(joint account): Taylaandbelle
I have a lot of instagrams and I haven't even mentioned my main 😂
Twitter: taylaeorges
Musical.ly <http://musical.ly>: itstaylageorges

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