'i love you' Chapter sixteen

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Your heart was at the speed of 1000 miles an hour! Your cheeks ached from the constant smile that wouldn't leave your face. You couldn't believe he loved you like you love him, you couldn't believe he felt like you did, you wondered if he ever had sleepless nights just thinking about you like you did about him, you couldn't imagine what more amazing memories that will be made.

That afternoon you went back to your apartment which Joey had practically moved into and you just cuddled and watched movies after telling Tayler and everyone your wonderful news. It was 11:38pm and you couldn't help but think about Joey, you knew it would be a sleepless night

Yay more time to admired Joey while his sleeping.

Your conscious told you while you layed there

no way i'm not a creep

you were thinking it

no way!

while your mind was having a mini fight you pushed it to the back and relaxed in Joeys tight hold, glancing at the clock on your bed side table seeing that only a few minutes have past.

Your eyes wondered to Joeys lips which looked kissable so you leaned in and did what you thought was right in that second and kissed him, nanoseconds later you regretted it as Joey grunted and pulled you closer.

You: sorry, they just looked kissable

damn good one Jasmine! embarrassed you followed with

You: i'm sorry, I I didn't mean-
Joey cut you off with another kiss this time one that lasted longer, you obviously kissed back and then he pulled away.
Joey: never be sorry for waking me up or kissing me.
You chuckled
You: I just can't sleep
Joey: do you want me to stay up with you?
You: No, no please sleep
You were starting to feel bad
Joey: no, whats bothering you? why can't you sleep?
His tone was full of worry
You: thank you
your tone sympathetic
You: I just can't stop thinking about today and you and the future and everything
Joey kissed your forehead and pulled you tighter, your head slightly buried into the crook of his bare neck/chest
Joey: Well i'm glad
You: huh?
Joey: i'm glad, i make you feel this way and I want you to feel this way forever, well besides not being able to sleep
He let out a chuckle and you joined, he laugh and smile was so cute in the mere light from the moon that seeped thought the window.
You: I love you
You blurted out
Joey: I love you more and I wish I could spend all night telling you but if you don't sleep now you will not last through tomorrow and you have your English test, so I suggest we sleep

And with his fine advice you buried your face into his chest and started to drift off to sleep
You: Goodnight boyfriend
Joey: Goodnight girlfriend
You: I like how that sounds
You both let out a soft giggle
Joey: me to

and with that you drifted off into a deep sleep .

A/N Hey guys 2 chapters within 2 days!! Even though this is so short, I was feeling like writing and had a few ideas but they can't be in the same chapter so yeh.

Joeys active and following fan pages so thats why I wrote what I wrote in the begging of the chapter.

Contact me on my social medias:
Instagram(fanpage): birlemplease
Instagram (spam account): ultratayla
Instagram(joint account): Taylaandbelle
I have a lot of instagrams and I haven't even mentioned my main 😂
Twitter: taylaeorges
Musical.ly <http://musical.ly>: itstaylageorges

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