The Island

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I surveyed the group of teenage boys, I knew since they were toddlers. But now some faces I didn't recognize at first glance, some faces had stayed the same. One stood out from all others, his eyes I would always remember. They were fiery red that moved, swayed when relaxed, blazed when angry or passionate, bright when happy and so on. His face was made up of sharp angles, but his face wasn't hard or cruel. It was a calming face, laugh lines creankled at his eyes as he smiled. His perfect white teeth gleaming. His hair was spiked up into a small mo-hawk with reds stripe through the black mess he called hair. A large red Corla bird feather hid behind his left ear, which was decorated with a bright red stud. He wore a tight black leather vest that steeped into a deep v-neck that had small laces to tighten the top of the vest. He wore nothing underneath showing off his tan chiseled chest, along with his fire tattoo that laced over his clavicles. His stance was cocky, one leg stretched out beside him. Making his muscled legs show off more in the also tight black animal trousers he wore tucked into black boots. That laced up to the calf, he wore a belt that was decorated by silver spikes and multiple knives on his left hip laid a large broadsword. He'd always been terrible with his left hand I thought quietly, he had laced up  red and black arm guards. A long bow was over his shoulder, while the red white and black feathered arrows were in a hand crafted quiver.

I met his eyes and sighed inside my head, Nakotowa. he smiled deeply and spoke in an even deeper voice than I ever remembered he had. "Always the one to survey the best of something" he winked and opened his arms out wide. I smiled laughed and ran to hug him, hopping up and encircled him with my legs. He laughed, the cheery laugh he always had had. "And you always one to boast about yourself" I spoke making him laugh. He patted me on the back as he swayed still hugging me, I winked at Anoka another boy in the group I recognized. All of a sudden my feet were on Nakotow's chest pushing me out of his warm embrace. I flipped easily out of his grip, landing in a crouch only a few inches away from him.

He blinked in surprise, then looked down shaking his head laughing. In a blink he lunged at me tackling me to the ground, I laughed as he attempted to straddle me. I rolled out from underneath him making him flop to the ground face down. I giggled as he looked up at me dangerously playful, his eyes a blaze. "Oh now you have it coming!!" he yelled pushing himself up off of the ground onto his feet. I narrowed my eyes as we began circling each other. Nakotowa had always play fought when we were younger, of course I had always won. While Nakotowa would walk away with a few new bruises and scratches and his small dignity.

I watched his agile body carefully, his fingers wingled. Signaling he was a bout to lunge, I stood up straight. Running faster as he attempted to catch me, he groaned as I giggled at his mistake. He lifted himself onto his elbows starring straight at me "always quite the escape artist, Alexi" he called out as he clambered up. I bounced on the balls of my feet smirking "and you Nakotowa, always one to choose brute force over thinking, oh wait do you think at all?? I don't remember" I joked making the boys laugh. Nakotowa balled his hands into fists his eyes now angry, I laughed and pouted. In a flash he was sending punches and kicks my way. I blocked the anger fueled attacks easily, Nakotowa had changed in many ways.          

He had matured, very well matured. I thought as I blocked a kick to the abdomen, hes gotten more fluid and strong. I commented as he came running at me, and hes more dangerous than usual. I narrowly dodged his upper cut, I had back flipped out of the way. Kicking him in the face sending him flying back "what is your issue!?!" I yelled as he wiped blood from his now cut lip. He looked around then locked back onto my figure. "Just playing, Alexi I never knew you had become so weak" he responded a smug cocky look on his face. I cocked my head to the side, pursing my lips I looked down at him. As he laughed "always one to take things seriously!! Relax Alexi" he called out jokingly. My eyes narrowed, he had rubbed salt in a still open wound inside my heart.

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