The Secret

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I sat silently at the long slab of wood on the floor, between Nakotowa's two older siblings. They were twins mischievous to the bone, Xav was the older twin. He had bright copper colored eyes and shocking platinum blond hair that shagged around his face. Vax his brother looked the exact same but his hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail. Xav and Vax had the same powers over fire, along with Nakotowa and their father. Dalia sat across from me her big eyes seeming to stare straight into my soul. Alexan Nakotowa's younger brother sat next to her a bored look on his face. Quietly I coughed as Nakotowa and his mother and father walked over to the table with the food. Nakotowa sat to Dalia's right, while his father sat at the head of the table and his mother the other end. 

I bit my lip as everyone began to pass their plates around everyone stacking them high with food. My plate came back to me, covered in food. I let my mouth fall open and my brow raise as the twins savagly   dug into their piles of food. I looked down at my plate and sighed moving a small round vegetable around my plate. I sat there awkwardly, fiddling with the rings on my fingers. I looked up to see Dalia smiling at me her big eyes staring at me once more. "Alexi, why aren't you eating? Aren't you hungry" Andrea cried out pouting. "Ya, aren't you hungry, ungrateful.." Nakotowa muttered. I lifted my brow at him and stood up abruptly. "I'm sorry but I do not care for the company of your ignorant ungrateful son" I replied walking away from the table "I'm sorry, but I must go now" I whispered as I flipped the tent flap open. "Nakotowa!" I heard a chorus of voices whisper as I left. Then a loud thump, which was followed by grumbling from Nakotowa.

I smirked as I strolled up to Lelion "Come on lets go" I responded patting his back. He stood up bending down "I'd like to walk" I announced as I headed off toward my tent. I sighed and looked down at the ground as I walked ever so slowly. I brushed a strand of hair that had fallen out of place behind my ear. I  strolled in silence, Lelion as silent as could be. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply smelling smoke from the fires in the Village. I bushed past a large bush and walked into the large clearing where  my tent was placed. I stomped over becoming angry at the thought of Nakotowa's insolence, I ripped the tent flap open. Storming in I ripped my weapons off and threw them recklessly on the ground. I pulled my boots of flinging them over somewhere near the fire pit.

I stalked over to my bed and slowly let myself fall onto it. Using the wind to keep me from hitting it a lot harder. I snuggled into my pillow, then breathed in deeply. I pulled back at the odd smell on my pillow. Suddenly a hand come from above me forcing the pillow onto my face. I struggled to pull back and get away. I landed one hit on whoever's face was attacking me, but slowly darkness ensued on me.


Light eeked in hitting my eyelid's painting red in my mind's eye. My eyes shot open as I remember what happened. I closed my eyes at the bright light, and slowly ran my hand along the floor. I was laying on my bed with a blanket gently laid across me. I searched around for a blade but couldn't find one. But I smiled as I remember the small blade that I hid in my ponytail. I moved my hand to my head and ran my fingers through my hair. Till I found the hilt of the blade, I removed it slowly making sure not to cut my hair.

Quietly I looked around the tent, no one was in here. I sat up slowly trying to make a minimal amount of noise. I crouched down low to the ground and surveyed my surroundings again. Still no one, the forest outside was also silent. I stood up and tip toed towards the door, making sure to stay in the shadows. I neared the tent opening, and looked back to make sure nobody was there. I rolled on the ground to opening sliding up against the tent. I peeked out to see if it was clear when a voice broke the silence. "Now now some one's trying to escape" the foreign voice had think accent. I slowly turned around to face the stranger. Him.

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