The Man

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I shook my head slowly my mouth still open, he was so close. I tilted my head to get a clear look at him, ruffling the leafs loudly. I stopped my hand and froze in position. The speaking and giggling had stopped "did you hear that?" Atwona whispered to the man. I glowered and moved silently to grab my bow and arrow. I positioned it cautiously and quietly "its probably nothing" the man answered in a smooth silky voice. I pulled back the bow and aimed for his spine, and let go. As if at the same time another arrow was shot, hitting my arrow.

They ricochet off of each other and flew off of target. There were multiple screams from the mermaids. I yelled and stopped my feet, when I noticed the arrow. I growled and ripped a knife out of my boot. I moved agile through the bushes "Nakotowa you are dead" I hissed. The man had turned around to look at the bushes, I attempted to get a better look of him. When Nakotowa came barreling out of the forest far to my right. I yelled his name and chucked my knife at his foot. It caught his shoe and stuck in the dirt making him fall down. With more cries from the mermaids they swam deep into the lagoon. And the strange man was gone. "Nakotowa!!!" I yelled angrily stomping out of my hiding place. He pushed off of the ground angrily and ripped my knife out of his boot. "What was that for!?" he yelled brows furrowed as he brushed dirt and grass off of his pants. "Hm mm I wonder why idiot!" I yelled yanking my knife out of his hand. "I almost had him!!" he screamed pointing to where the man had been sitting.

"No, I almost had him, your not suppose to be here!!!" I yelled back at him making him wince. "You weren't suppose to be hunting him, this is my job!!" I yelled pounding on my chest. He rolled his eyes "Elder Wood is crazy for not sending out a hunting party" he answered snottily. "Oh really, so you think he should have sent out a bunch of crazy idiotic boys to do the hunting?" I hissed looking him dead in the eye "Well-" he started but I cut him off "you think women are just weak toys, they can't do anything but be mothers and wives, well your wrong, I was chosen and you weren't so get over yourself and go back to the village, little boy" I replied thrusting my finger into his chest. "Fine" he answered puffing out his shirt and strolled off into the woods.

I turned around enraged, I growled and picked up a rock. And threw it at the large rock in the Lagoon, but when soaring over it. I spun around and screamed in anger "I almost had him!!" I screeched kicking at the dirt with my foot. "Of course Nakotowa had to go around and wreck things!!" I screamed at the ground, I groaned and flopped down onto the ground. Where I began to bang on the ground fists and feet included. I sat there face down and slowly I groaned and flipped over. Not moving my arms so they just were tossed across me limply. "I'm gonna die here some day thanks to that idiot" I mumbled picking a flower out of the ground. 

I sighed and slowly began to pick at the petals my eyelids getting heavy. I rolled over onto my back to stare at the slowly darkening sky. I groaned and ripped one of my blades out of its sheath. I twisted it around the small petal-less flowers stem. I watched as the blade left a deep imprint in the flower. The blade slipped easily as I reached the end of the stem. Cutting my hand slightly, I sucked in air creating a hissing noise. I gripped my palm lifting myself off of the ground. I walked over to the empty lagoon, dipping my hand in the cold black water. I sighed and scrubbed at the wound, watching the blood mixed in the water. When I looked at the water reflection, when I saw the man standing behind me.

I leaned in as the water rippled he stood there starring intently at the water. I whipped around dragging my hand in the water splashing it towards the man. But he wasn't there I looked around frantically but to no avail. I turned back to the water leaning over the pool I scooped my hands into the water. Splashing it on my face, rubbing it in. I wiped my face off on my shirt ripping off a piece. Wrapping it around my hand I pushed myself off from the ground. Turning towards the direction of the village to give a report to the chief. When I heard the rustle of movement in the forest to my left. Slowly I turned my head towards the direction. The quickly setting sun casting shadows, silhouetting the man. I stumlbed back at the dark figure that stood there still starring at me.

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