The Hunt

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There was a collective gasp among the crowd, and whispering began. I rolled my eyes, "Well then we must hunt, whatever was in that thing down!" yelled a headstrong warrior. "No,no no" Elder Wood replied moving his hands to calm the fierce crowd. "We do not know what this thing may be, most likely a person" Elder Wood began "So we must have a singular person who knows the forest and the island very well" he finished. His deep eyes seemed to stair at me, as if pointing the order at me. "I know the forest!!" yelled Elder Lightshon. "No, you know little, all you know is the ocean!!" yelled a the fire Elder, Elder Dant. "I know the forest the best!!" yelled another naturist Elder. "No no no!!" yelled Elder Wood. "Teen Moonclaw-" he stated making a slicing notion towards me. "You know the forest very well do you not?" he asked eye brows cocked. "I do, from front to back, side to side" I responded plainly  "then you shall go looking for this creature, as soon as possible" a collective groan arose from the crowd.

"And no one and I repeat no one, shall go out hunting unless, Teen Moonclaw asks for your assistance" Elder Wood ended making the crowd disperse. I turned around slowly to face the sunrise, I shaded my eyes against the sun with my hand. When I finally saw it, the destruction, the injuries and biggest of all. ...the missing. I sighed and began walking down the beach toward the large grouping of tents. I cringed as I made it to the most dreaded tent I never wanted to walk into. I sighed and flipped the tent flap aside to walk inside it icily. But the site inside broke that face oh so easily. My grandfathers head was hanging as he sat in his large chair, my grandmother cried deeply into her hands. I looked around the tent, my heart shattered when I didn't see them.

"W-where-" I began but choked up immediatly "Where's O-orlim and D-ain?" I asked stuttering. My grandfather raised his head slowly to stare at me. "They are gone" he stated his voice over powering. I gripped onto the tent flap, breathing quickly becoming hard. I gasped for breath and turned out of the tent. I clenched onto my shirt tightly as everything came crashing down on me. I managed to walk a few feet away from the tent. "Alexi!!" shouted a voice making me jump and breaking me out of my transe. I turned my head as I still held my chest and leaned against a large rock face. "Hey I just wanted to say- Alexi?" he began but stopped as I gasped for breath "Alexi are you alright?" he asked placing his hand on my shoulder gently. I flinched responsively for as he touched me it seemed to burn me right to the bone.

I shook my head and looked back at the tent, the flap flew open as my grandfather exited with my crying grandmother under his arms. Nakotowa looked back and I took my chance, and ran. I ran and ran, even as Nakotowa yelled and yelled for me. I ran across the beach then into the forest and through a small swamp. Till I stopped down and finally broke down and cried, an anguished scream escaped my throat.        I fell to my knee's covering my face with my hands trying to wipe away the stream of tears. That escaped my eyes, I had just gotten them back. Now their gone!! I cried out in my head, then it hit me.

"It" I hissed shooting up tears still streaming down my face. "If they took them, then I'll just take one of theirs" I answered as hate and malcontent began to bubble deep in the crevices of my being. I whistled loudly waiting for Lelion. He came barreling through the high bushes steam rising out of his nose. For the day was cold and rain clouds were stirring over head. I grappled on to his neck twisting around it and landed on his back leaning down and kicked his sides. He tore off quickly leaving deep fallows in the soft dirt. We zoomed through the forest dodging branches, vines, trees and animals.

He slowed as we approached my tent outside of the village. The forest was oddly silent, but I did not care I had some thing to do. I ripped my tent flap away as I stroud proudly in I immediatly stripped down.   I tore the rug off from the floor and yanked the hidden door open. I walked down quickly with out any mistakes I thrust the tent open and looked inside. I grabbed a large chest and began to yank it up stairs. After a few trips I had moved everything up to my tent, which was soon torn down. I began to put up my parents tent and moved the furniture to fit the once small space.

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