The Temptation

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Quiet, everything was quiet finally. It had been a pain to get Zane through the village. With out a random tussle breaking out, or insults or spit flew at us. But we were back finally in the seclusion of the forest. I sat outside of the tent, Zane was inside sleeping. But I couldn't, the thought of him being here near me away from the village made the hair on my body stick up. I peeked inside to the pitch black tent, but I could see the outline of Zane. His chest moving rhythmically up and down as he slept. 

I stood up slowly and turned my back on the tent. Slowly I looked around at the forest, surveying everything around me. I sighed and pulled my fur blanket more tightly around me. As I headed off to the lagoon, for some time to think. I pushed past a small bush and silently starred at the lagoon ahead of me. The moon shone off the water, its light creating an eerie feeling. But the warm breeze kept it calm and relaxing. Along with the sound of the moving water as it lapped up on the rocks and pulled back.

Quietly I hugged my arms to me body for more warmth. I sat down on the ground hugging my knee's to my chest wrapping the blanket around me snugly. I laid my head on my knees and sat there in silence my eyelids drooping down dangerously low. I laid down slowly shutting my eyes welcoming sleep like an old friend.


I sat up looking around to find it still night time. I sighed and laid back down to go back to sleep. When I felt a pair of arms encircled me. I tensed and grabbed for the knife on my hip. But as I went to grab it a hand was already on my hip, and the knife was gone. I stalled my hand above the persons hand trying not to touch it. Slowly I let it fall and as we touched it was as if I had been set ablaze. I slowly turned to face the person, but as I laid flat on my back. The person leaned over me his hands next to my head. I blinked in the darkness begging my eyes to adjust quicker. Slowly the person's face got closer and closer to mine.

And the light from the moon hit their face making them visible. In a swift move he was on top of me straddling me once more. He leaned onto his elbows and lowered his face right down to mine. He brushed his nose up against mine, nudging it to the side, "Zane.." I spoke in a hushed voice my hands on his chest. My heart beat increased even as I spoke his name, and my hands began to shake. "Yes Alexi..." he answered his voice deep and husky. "I-I-I made a promise-" I stuttered as he leaned in closer his lips almost brushing mine. "Well then princess, we're just gonna have to break that promise" he replied with a smirk. He pressed his lips to mine, at first I didn't kiss back. But I couldn't keep it up for long, especially as he nibbled on my bottom lip begging for entrance. I opened my mouth letting his tongue in and the pleasure that came with it. Our tongues wrestled for a few minutes, then he pulled back to look at me.

  I bit my lip as he ran a hand through his blond hair making it stick up more. I chuckled at him and he smiled back warmly. A wild idea popped into my mind and I smiled deviously. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me. He smiled and started kissing me again now with more passion. His tongue exploring parts of my mouth no one ever had. In a flash I flipped him onto his back, now I was straddling him. He pulled back smiling at my confidence, he opened his mouth to talk. But nothing came out, for I slammed my mouth onto his craving more and more of him every second. I kissed down his neck making him make an odd sound in the back of his throat.

There was an odd thud noise as I went to go back to kissing him. I looked to my back to find an arrow sticking straight out of it. I looked down at my left hip to see the sharp tip poking out. I looked back at Zane, but he wasn't there instead it was Nakotowa. I looked back as there was another thud, to find another arrow. And Dyr standing a few feet away with his bow cocked another arrow notched aimed at me. I looked back to Nakotowa who's eyes seemed to be blazing to life. "You promised" he moaned fire emanating from his mouth as he spoke. "I-I-" I attempted to protest but was cut of by Nakotowa "I love you, but you betray me, so I must kill you" he spoke his eyes now pitch black and his face serious. I sat up and scrambled back.

But Nakotowa jumped on top of me, burying the arrows farther into my body. I cried out in pain, and at the sight of my missing dagger. "Sweet dreams, Alexi" Nakotowa murmured as he sliced down at my neck.


 I shot up, flipping my blanket off of me. I raised my shaking hands to my throat to make sure I was still alive. Then I moved them to my back, no arrows I sighed in relief. I looked around to see that I had fallen outside of the tent. I looked to the horizon to find the sun slowly rising. I stood up my legs still shaking from the nightmare. I rubbed my eyes and ran my fingers through my tangled hair. I sauntered my way into the some what lit tent.

I walked over to the limp form of Zane, I took a deep breath. And ripped the blanket off of him and yanked the pillow from under his head. "Ow" he moaned rubbing his head, he pulled his legs closer to his body. "Give me back my blanket, please" he whined trying to grab his blanket back but not succeeding. "Up" I ordered walking over to the water bowl, I summoned it to the long flat wood piece. Freezing it so I can get a look at my appearance. 

My hair wasn't as tangled as I thought it was, it was a bright blond color that slowly faded to blue at the tips. My eyes were bright green with small cloud of blue every here and there. I sighed and walked over to my mothers old dresser. I grabbed out a pair of brown shorts and a long sleeved deep purple shirt. I grabbed my boots and headed out of the tent. I walked a little ways into the forest and created a small changing space for my self. I changed quickly and braided my hair perfectly.

I walked back into the tent to find Zane still laying on the ground. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. I summoned the water over to me and with out any regret at all. Dropped it on Zane's head. He shot up sputtering wiping his face. "What was that for?!" he yelled standing up, I just smiled sweetly and walked over to a bowl with a supple amount of fruit in it. I picked up a small yellow round fruit and a large blue one. I turned around to face Zane "heads up" I announced tossing the fruit to him. He caught it easily and looked at the fruit. "What is this?" he asked examining the fruit "food" I answered biting into mine and walked out the door.

He shrugged and bit into and followed after me. "Sooooo, who's the overly aggressive protective suitor of yours?" he asked as we walked in silence. "I do not understand your question" I stated pulling back a branch and letting it whip back in his face. "Your boyfriend the one with fiery eyes, who is he?" Zane elaborated walking up next to me. "He in fact is not my boyfriend or "suitor" he is merely an old friend of mine" I answered as I hoped over a large rock. "Ouch, I feel bad for him, but whats up with the kissing?" he asked his brow raised. "I do not have to answer to your childish questions" I replied cooly my face unmoving.

"Look, he likes you, you obviously don't like him" Zane stated plucking a leaf off a tree. "And why is that?" I asked taking my turn to raise my brow. He smiled "because the way you kissed me back, I can tell you want me and not him" he cooed ripping up the leaf. I snorted at his response and shook my head "you are mistake Sir Elliot, I do not care for men and their "friendly" needs" I hissed squinting my eyes. He raised both brows poking out his bottom lip "well I'll be changing that" he muttered. I rolled my eyes and kept walking, we made it to the village soon after that. 

I strolled around looking for a certain tent, making sure Zane followed closely behind. I found the fiery red tent I was looking for. I moved the tent flap aside and peeked in "Elder Dante?" I called out looking around. "Alexi!!!" Dante bellowed out strolling out from a separate room. I smiled and walked in to the tent "How are you my dear?" he asked loudly walking over to me. To give me a large bear hug I smiled "I'm doing well, and how are you Elder?" I asked breathlessly. "Good, good!" he yelled patting my back he looked behind me and made an ushering motion. 

"Come on in lad don't be scared, I don't bite...hard" Dante chuckled at his joke and I laughed lightly along with him. Zane strolled in looking around "your..home is quite lovely" Zane commented politley. Dante sighed and smiled "thank you, alright Alexi are you ready to start your training!?" Dante bellowed  proudly. "Of course I am" I answered smiling "good, cause its going to be terrible" Dante replied seriously.........


Woo!!! Another chapter another day, I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far it gets more intense I just need to work my way up to that point :) but thanks for reading!!!

Sincerely, Amayauratchie

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