The Attack

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I sighed as Atwona rambled on about something having to do with my hair. I let my hand lay limply in the water and kept swinging it back and forth. As Atwona and her mermaid friends attacked my hair left and right. I slowly let my eyelids drupe down from being bored so long. The sounds of the jungle and the mermaids chatter all blended together. To make a silky sultry lullaby with the warm wind blowing across my face. I slowly but surely fell into sleep.

I awoke hesitantly to the sound of water lapping up onto the shore and the quiet squaks from a bird in the forest. I groaned and rubbed my eyes and flopped on to my stomach to look at what disaster laid on my head. To my surprise, there was no disaster whats so ever. I turned my head to the side admiring my hair. I was surprisingly curly and ran down my back in long waves. Two braids wrapped around my head and connected in the back. Then one wrapped around my forehead, decorated by small gems I had never seen before. I smiled and looked around the water for Atwona. When I finally noticed how dark it was. I leaped up quickly whistling for Lelion, "Thank you Atwona!!" I yelled as Lelion came to a slide in front of me. 

I hopped on slinging myself on to him quickly "Lets ride" I ordered as he took off quickly in the dense forest.

I arrived to the village shortly after, the bonfires burning brightly and fiercely. I smiled and patted Lelion on the back shooing him off. I walked over slowly to the main bonfire watching the clan members dancing exotically around it. I smiled as I walked behind the large crowd that had gathered. I sneaked past the musicians as they swayed to the music, while pounding on the drums and playing their flutes. I walked past the bonfire to a smaller one to the left watching as the elders danced their ancient traditional dances. I laughed as older clan leader Alaki dance around spinning to much and fall on to the ground laughing like a crazed old man. I then walked to a smaller bonfire where the young teens were around dancing provocatively I rolled my eyes smiling. I then walked to the bonfire surrounded by the children. Who seemed less interested in dancing and more in starring at the bright fire.

I was about to walk away when I felt a slight tug on my hand. I looked down to find a small boy holding my hand and pointing to the dancers. I laughed and let him tug me over to the smaller fire were the children were at. I smiled at the little boy as he flounced around making his sandy blond hair bounce up and down. I laughed as he plopped down his green eyes watering with tears. I made a usual aw sound and quietly helped him up. And slowly I started dancing with him, he smiled and soon was giggling as we swung around the small bonfire. 

I sighed smiling as the small boy switched partners and started dancing with another girl. I laughed as she blushed and accepted his invitation to dance. I slowly turned around looking at the fellow fires, when I noticed Dani waving me over. I groaned and walked slowly over to the larger bonfire for teenagers. I stopped next to her observing the large group of teenagers prancing around the fire. Dani smiled moving to the beat of the loud music. I rolled my eyes and quickly grabbed her hand pulling her into the ring of dancers. Her mouth fell open as I twisted my hands in the air, and moving my feet to loud drums. She laughed as we twirled around the large fire dancing together. As the music came to loud climax we thrusted our palms upward to the sky heads down. I felt a sudden heat as I did and looked behind me. The fire was shooting high up in to the sky into the clouds making an almost invisible hole.

I dropped my arms and looked at Dani who was starring at the sky, her hands held up to her shoulders. There was silence all around as everyone seemed to stare at me in awe. I bit my bottom lip as Elder Wood made his way towards me. "Child, did you cause that?" he asked his face serious. I looked down at my hands for they felt as if they were on fire themselves. "I...don't....know" I answered quietly, suddenly there was a loud laugh from some where in the crowd.

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