Best Story Arc 4 -III

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Now for day 2 of GMG

Mavis supporting team Fairy Tail at GMG is the cutest thing ever ✨✨✨

Round 1 was the Chariot game, which Natsu, Gajeel and Sting(he idolizes Natsu) oh so smartly take part 😑. Nothing's more entertaining than watching 3 motion sick dragon slayers. Seeing Natsu and Gajeel , Sting belittle's them and we hear an inspiring speech by Natsu. Those 3 get last 3 places. Sting, not knowing the 1 point he let them have will haunt him later.

Mirajane was the star of the day. The battle between two pinup models. I would've loved to see her in action, but having mira's presence is enough. Jenny, you screwed up big time by challenging her.

Yeah they find Wendy and find out that Raven Tail attacked her. Carla has a vision of the future (😐). Elfman vs Bacchus, the former wins because he is a MAN 😜

Both FT teams get points on the board.

Day 3:

In Levy's words, day 3 changed everything. Round 1 was pandemonium representing team A was Erza ❤, team B Cana. I will skip the rules, end point is all challengers hv to beat 100 monsters. Erza challenges all 100 of them. It is Erza's best fight yet. Watch it

Since Erza beat all 100 monsters the other teams will have to be ranked, so the game is MPF magic power finder. I won't say much about it, just watch it, Cana is really cool.

Yup next is Laxus vs Alexi. This match definitely shows why Laxus is my favorite Dragon Slayer. Turns out Raven Tail were playing dirty, its whole guild vs Laxus, they think they can beat him, but they forget he is the 2nd strongest FT wizard. He wipes the floor with them and Raven Tail is exposed and disqualified.

Next up Wendy vs Chelia ( battle of the cuties). When you see this battle, you realize just how far wendy has come from the timid girl who couldn't fight to going neck-in-neck with a sky god slayer. She is just fabulous here.

But the match ended in a draw unfortunately.

Next up Day 4 and Day 5 and then its on to the next arc

HeartOfNature if u want to keep up with FT. ever just watch the videos added here 😊

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