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One of the best characters who deserved more screen time. She is literally the most beautiful girl in FT. A very powerful wizard. A famous model.

From the moment I saw her during the Fantasia arc, I was in awe of her. She owned Freed in their battle. The only people stronger than her in the guild would be Gildarts and Laxus.

She is a kind person till you anger her. Once she is angered, well Rest in Pieces.

Technically she should have been in the final FT team in the Grand Magic Games. She would've owned Minerva and Kagura. Then again she should have been in Team Natsu in my opinion. So many battles in Oracieon Seis would've gone better.

She was rendered useless in the Tenrou arc when she could've easily beaten Hades' underlings. Heck she could've been more useful than half of the people who fought against Hades.

Even in the Tartoros arc she could've defeated quite a few of them. She could've easily defeated the likes of Brandish and Dimiria. Heck she and Eileen would've been evenly matched if Mashima hadn't wanted Erza to go all OP and beat her.

All in all if Mashima decides to make a spin-off on her without baseless fanservice,  I would definitely read it

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