Interview with Amelia_Young: The Writer of The Never Lovers of Next Door

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1.         What is your pen name and why did you choose it?

My real name is pretty weird, so I chose a name that’s simple and easy for everyone to remember.

2.         Do you have an editor to help you with writing?

No, but I'm hoping to get one… If anyone’s interested…

3.         Do you eat when you type your stories?

No, if I did then all my focus will be on my food. I think writing needs your full concentration.

4.         What is your inspiration in writing?

I don’t know… everything really, a song, a person, a dream.

5.         Do you have a specific experience that you have written in your story that actually happened in real life?

Not yet, I'm waiting till my life actually gets fun =]

6.         How did you find wattpad?

A friend.

7.         What is your best asset?

I'm smart ;)

8.         What comes in to your mind when you start a story?

A vague idea of the entire plot line. I work out any kinks on paper.

9.         How do you find the strength to finish a story especially when you experience a writer’s block?

I just think about the days I’ll be rich and famous from selling my books :) Not really, I'm one of those who are determined to finish what they start, so not ending a story is not comprehensible to me.

10.      What books are you reading?

Right now… I've got twenty to thirty books that are waiting to be read. I hoping to finish of the Harry Potter series again this holiday and then I have all my Wattpad book… yes I'm a reader =P

11.      Who is your favorite writer in Wattpad and why?

Uh… if I had to pick just one writer it’d have to be ACRL37. Her books are so good. Not only are her books hilarious, but some chapters are really emotional. Brilliant writer!

12.      Who is your favorite writer outside Wattpad?

I don’t think I have one, but for now my top two writers are (obviously) J.K. Rowling and Meg Cabot.

13.      What story from Wattpad, do you like the most?

Dinner With A Vampire. Did I Mention I'm Vegetarian? It’s the book that I first read when I joined this site and it’s probably one of the only Vampire stories that I actually like.

14.      If given a chance, what publishing company would you like to work with when you publish your book?

Any. Just getting published would be a dream come true.

15.      What do you expect from yourself as a writer?

I expect a lot of things from me as a writer. Most are very high standard. But main expectation would have to be: every story I write can be improved, once completed.

16. Have you ever thought of giving up writing?

No, not once. If I stopped writing, the characters in my head would be bothering me until I typed out a story.

16.      What genre is the most suited for you and why?

Romance, because I've always been a cheesy, romantic.

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