Interview with Tianajade: The Writer of The Black Rose Killer

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Name & Age: 

Tiana. Seventeen.

When did you start writing? 

December 2010.

How did you find Wattpad? 

One day I ran out of books to read, so I searched Google for websites to read stories from, and I came across Wattpad :)

Who is your favourite author?

 I have way too many to list. Just a few would be Alexandra Adornetto, Shelena Shorts, Kimberly Derting, Becca Fitzpatrick, Richelle Mead and Simone Elkeles.

What is your favourite book? 

Once again, way too many to mention. But a few would be Hush, Hush, Halo, Perfect Chemistry, The Pace and Vampire Academy.

What is the first book you have ever read?


Where do you get ideas for your stories? 

Daydreams, to be completely honest. I daydream so much, or sometimes I even get my ideas from dreams. With the amount of time on my hands, I have several story ideas just floating around in my head. I always have my phone or a journal with me, so if an idea ever comes to mind, I quickly type or write it down. :)

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

 I leave my story for a few days. Then, I go back to my previous chapter, read it, and then usually my ideas comes to mind and my writer's block slowly fades. A thing that I've found, is that when I write down in steps about what I want to happen in my story and in each chapter, I tend to not get writers block as often, because I already know what I want to happen. 

Do you like reading or writing?

 I much prefer reading, but writing is still a good hobby that I like doing. I may not be 100% good at it, but it's something that I do when I need an outlet. (:

What's your favourite Wattpad story?

 I don't choose favourites. I feel that there are many talented writers on here, and those are the ones I have fanned and added into my Library. 

Who's your favourite Wattpad writer and why? 

Once again, I don't choose favourites. Those that I have fanned are the ones I pay close attention to the most :) The people that I have fanned each have amazing talents.

Out of all of your stories(if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most?

 I've written two stories before, but I deleted one of them a few months ago. 'The Black Rose Killer' is definitely the one that I enjoy writing the most. I'm very much connected with my characters in this book, and it makes it that much easier to write my story. (:

Any hints on your upcoming work?

 Just that I will be writing several stories that are of different genres. Not all at the same time of course, but eventually I plan on having multiple stories on my profile that are of different genres, so my readers have choices of which they'd like to read.

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

 Don't let the hype and popularity get to your head. Write for yourself, write how you want to write, and don't try to let people take over your story. You're always going to get readers that don't like something in your story - it happens. It's you're story, you are the writer, and therefore they have no say in how your story goes. Yes, some of us want to please our readers, but once people start telling you to add this and that into your story, in the long run it's your readers that will be telling the story...and you're just the one writing it. Stick to your guns ;) Write how you want to write, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone reading this?

 To my fans: I am so grateful to have such amazing fans. A whole lot of you have encouraged me so much with my story. I have grown as a writer because of you lot. When I'm down and lacking confidence in my story, you fans are there to pick me back up again, shake some sense into me, and tell me to keep on writing! I love that about you guys; you are true fans, and I love every single one of you! :) To my readers: I thank everyone of you for taking the time to read my story. Whether you enjoy my story or not, I appreciate the time you've taken to read it, and I appreciate the feedback that you all give me. (:

Are any of your characters based on real people?

 No, not really. Although my main character - Keelea - does share some of the personality that I have. I do add a little something more to her, to make her more interesting, but I do like to add part of myself at times.

Who's your favourite character out of your stories?

 Probably Zoe Ace, one of Keelea's best friends in 'The Black Rose Killer'. Although she's not in the story a whole lot - which I'm planning on changing later down the track - when she does come up in chapters, I just love writing about her and her bubbly and crazy personality! 

What do you eat when you type(if you eat while typing)?

 I don't eat anything at all while I type. When I write my stories, I cannot have any background noise and no distractions; I need to be fully concentrated on my work to actually do a job to the best of my ability.

Who's your inspiration? 

Not one person in particular. I haven't gotten any story inspiration from anywhere, but I have definitely gotten some writing inspiration from all of the books that I have read. Everyone has their own indivisual style of writing, but I have learnt quite a lot from all the stories that I have read over the last three years; such as realistic dialogue, easy-flowing writing and to have a wide range of vocabulary.

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why that story in particular? 

Getting my story published isn't a goal for me. Not at the moment anyway. I only began writing as an outlet, which turned into a fun hobby, but that is all that I see writing as. I still have a lot to learn, a lot to improve, and I don't see writing as a career idea for me. Sure, I'd love to see thousands of people enjoying a story that I have written, but I don't think I would continue to have the motivation once I get a little older.

Questions from TheFlamingPopsicle (from Wattpad)

                           1. Do you have any weird writing rituals like some authors do?

                           Nope, none at all I don't think. :)

2. I heard you got a chance to get your book published. What's the story with that?

 I found out that the publisher that was interested me were legit, but their options weren't to the standards that I would have liked. To put it simply, they didn't provide much. I'm also not ready to publish a book yet, but I am thinking about turning it into an e-book for people to buy - maybe - once I have finished it and edited it. But it's just a thought at the moment.

Finally, what is your message to all the fans and readers that have supported your stories?

  Just a huge thank you for all your support. When I started writing my story, I had no idea that it would capture so many amazing readers and wonderful fans. I can admit that my writing wasn't up to good standards when I first started - and still do need some work - but you readers and fans really helped me a lot - you have me the motivation, encouragement and feedback that I needed, and I feel that I have improved over the last few months, and my thanks goes out to you all! <3

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