Interview with Lenagurrl: The Writer of The Hunger Games

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Name: Kaylene

Age: 13 (14 in May, Whoo-Hoo!)

Nick name: Lenagurrl

What is your pen name and why did you choose it?

-My pen name is Lenagurrl and I chose it since it's cut short from my name, Kaylene. I don't know where I came up with the “gurrl” part.

Do you have an editor to help you with writing?

-No, but I will get one soon. (I really need one.)

Do you eat when you type your stories?

-If I'm hungry.

What is your inspiration in writing?

-Books, movies, television, anything that gets me pumped really.

Do you have a specific experience that you have written in your story that actually happened in real life?

-Me? No. Friends? Yes. Too many stories to name.

How did you find wattpad?

-I think I was answering a question on Yahoo for good writing websites, and I nominated Quibblo, but someone said Wattpad, so I checked it out and Wa-la! I was hooked.

What is your best asset?

-My personality. I have really messed up teeth and when I told people I needed braces, everyone was so surprised and said they never noticed my teeth.

What comes in to your mind when you start a story?

-Honestly, the ending. I plan way too far ahead and start thinking of how I want the ending and middle of the story to go before I write the beginning.

How do you find the strength to finish a story especially when you experience a writer’s block?

-The people reading it. Also, I'll go back and read it and be like, “I wrote that?” so I try to finish most of my writings with that in mind.

What books are you reading?

-The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

Who is your favorite writer in wattpad and why?

-I think it's xXSkater2Girl16Xx

Who is your favorite writer outside wattpad?

-Mary Downing Hahn HANDS DOWN. 

What story from wattpad do you like the most?

-A proscriptive relationship

If given a chance, what publishing company would you like to work with when you publish your book?

-Haven't thought that far ahead yet.

What do you expect from yourself as a writer?

-To finish most of my stories and keep people entertained.

Have you ever thought of giving up writing?

-Giving up writing completely? Never. I love it too much to give it up.

What genre is the most suited for you and why?

-Romance. Just because I like romantic things a lot.

Random Questions

 What is your most embarrassing moment?

-When I was seven and I was trying to hop a metal fence to impress my older brother's friends, and my skirt got caught onto the top of the fence, so I ended up dangling from my skirt.

Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?

-I do not drink

Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?

-Not yet, thank God.

Favorite Movie?

-Despicable Me.

Any pets?

-One gorgeous dog named Cinnamon. I love her.

Have you ever loved someone?


If you could go to any place right now where would you go and why?

-Japan. Because I love Sushi and I want it from Japan.

Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?

-No, I never wake up in time.

 What makes you unique?

-My extremely loud voice.

What are you afraid of?

-The end of the world.

Are you a giver or a taker?


Stuck on a deserted Island and would be given a chance to take ONE thing, what would it be and why?

-Michael Phelps. At least he could swim me to safety.

First thing you’ll save in a fire?

-If everyone is already out, then my phone. If my family hasn't been saved yet, I'd go for them.

What did you wanna be when you were a kid?

-Did? I still want to be what I wanted to be as a kid. An actress!

To the Fans

 What or how did you feel when you got your first fan?

-I tried to be calm but I was so freakin happy.

Does your fans encourage you to write some more?

-YES. After I read some of their incredibly sweet comments, I want to write more for them.

What do you do when someone critics your work?

-Smile and thank them.

How do you deal with fans or readers that make some offensive/bad comments about your book or the way you write?

-Just shrug it off. A hundred people will love my book, while a hundred people will hate it.

How do you return the favor when someone fanned you?

-I thank them and sometimes I fan back and read a story.

 What can you say to your fans?



What can you tell to those people who are still starting in their first story in wattpad?

-BE PATIENT. When I first started writing my book, I didn't have any comments after the first three days I posted it. I was going to delete it, but then I started getting comments and votes, and now I have a lot of comments and stuff. So be patient, someone will come by it one day.

Any tips that you can share on how you manage your time between writing and in your daily life?

-Write as often as you can, but not too much, because when you need to update or something, you won't have any time to do it. So don't write as much to where fans are waiting for you every single hour of the day. Take me, for example. I only update once a week. (Unless I'm on a writing frenzy.)

 Aside from those questions that tells about you, can you tell more about yourself that you can share to your fans?

-I love to write, and act, but what I really like doing the most is being me. I wouldn't want to change anything about myself, (except maybe my few...unappreciated...extra pounds.) and I love doing what I do. I hope all of you out there love yourself and continue doing what you love. Don't give up hope! 

That’s all thank you so much for participating and for your time J 

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