There's Only One

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                I wasn’t exactly sure of what to do, lying on the bed. I started to sit up and she pushed me back down. “Lay down.” She said, grinning wickedly at me.

                I fell back on the bed, but not for long. I started to shift again, propping myself up on my elbows and she put a hand on my chest. “I said down.”


                “Lie down and enjoy yourself.” She said, a smirk playing along her lips.

                I groaned and flopped back on the bed. She could barely even touch me before I started to sit back up. “If you don’t lie down, I will pull out some handcuffs and make you lie down.” She said, smiling innocently.

                I felt my breath catch in my throat. “But—”

                “No buts, lie down or I’ll make you.”

                I had no choice other than to lie down and let her take control, something I was not used to in any situation.

                I woke up, Sara draped across me. It was cold in the room, and I struggled to grab the blanket without waking my lover. I pulled it up over us and slid my arm back underneath it. I let my fingers skim across her back briefly before resting my hand on her.

                I needed to see Jan. I had things to do today, but they could wait. This couldn’t. Lying here with Sara, morning light streaming through the windows and making her glow, her curly hair seeming to fall haphazardly on the bed and on me, and her slow relaxed breaths sliding over my skin as she breathed couldn’t wait.

                I glanced out the window and thought back to the night before.

                Sara was different from any other girl I knew. She had this quality about her, something I had noticed about her from the first day I saw her. It was indescribable and drew me to her like a moth to a flame. It wasn’t beauty; it wasn’t something I could point out to someone. There was no word for it, just a piece of Sara that I couldn’t stay away from her. Sara was my drug of choice.

                “What are you thinking about?” I heard her ask. I didn’t even realize she had woken up I was so caught up in my own world.

                “Just that I love you.” I said and turned to smile at her.

                She smiled back and pressed her cheek on my chest. “I love you too.”

                “I have some errands to run today, I hope you don’t mind.”

                “Not at all, what are you doing?”

                I tried not to look like I was nervous. I wasn’t comfortable with even thinking about lying to Sara, let alone actually doing it. “Just going to help Jan with her car. She wants some help in the shop today, says she needs a second opinion.” Jan worked in a mechanical shop, and so long as I came home with some grease under my fingernails, Sara wouldn’t ask any questions.

                “Yeah, I don’t mind. What time will you leave?”

                “Maybe in an hour. I’ll only be gone for a couple hours.” I tried to slow my heartbeat; I was terrified she’d see through me. I couldn’t have that.

                “Ok. We can have lunch when you go back, and maybe take a walk with Cooper?”

                I smiled. “That sounds wonderful, Sara.”

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