“Are you drunk enough yet?” I asked, watching Jan as she tipped the last drops of beer into her mouth.
“No.” She slurred.
“I think you are.” I said, watching her sway slightly as she leaned on the pool cue, watching Luce wipe down the counter wistfully.
“I’m not.” Her words blurred together. “I can’t be yet.”
“You are.” I said firmly.
“All this for a girl?” Caleb asked, a smile playing along his mouth.
Jan’s head whipped around to look at him, her eyes wide in shock. “Not ‘just a girl’. It’s Luce. She’s so much more than just any girl.”
“Well, why don’t you go prove to him that she’s better than all the rest and go ask her out.” I said, pushing her gently towards the bar.
She stumbled slightly and glared over at me before looking back to Luce who was watching her curiously, a smile tugging at her lips. I watched Jan straighten herself slightly and walk over to the bar. She was probably holding her breath.
I watched Jan put her elbow on the bar and Luce lean in just a little, showing off some spectacular cleavage. I’m surprised the poor girl didn’t faint.
Caleb and I couldn’t hear them talk, but I knew Jan was probably making a fool of herself, but Luce didn’t seem to care. She was smiling and there was an excited glint in her eye as Jan talked.
“You’re telling me than Jan never knew?” Caleb asked, watching the scene with an amused look.
“She never even guessed.” I said, smiling as I watched Luce lean in and kiss Jan’s cheek and say something to her.
Jan nodded and turned, her cheeks a deep red and the biggest smile I’d ever seen plastered on her face. “She kissed me.” Was all she said when she finally reached us again and slumped into a nearby chair.
“I saw that.” I said, chuckling quietly. “Now, let’s get your drunk ass home.”
“Can’t.” She said, her eyes wide with panic.
“Why not?” Caleb asked.
“Because, she’s taking me home tonight.”
I felt a smirk creep along my lips. “We should get you sobered up then.”
“Because, if you play your cards right, your celibate ass may get laid tonight.”
Jan frowned and looked like she was thinking too hard for her level of drunk. “She didn’t say that. She said that she was going to take me home.”
I rolled my eyes and looked at Caleb, “Watch her for me, will you? Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.” I then walked over to the bar and waited for Luce to finish serving a customer.
“Hey there, Dev. How are you and that girl?” She asked, smiling like a school girl.
“Great, gonna ask her to marry me.” I said it like it wasn’t a big deal, but the idea still gave my stomach butterflies and all I wanted to do was talk about it, but I couldn’t right now. “Now, let’s move onto the important thing. You and Jan.”

Cravings (girlxgirl)
RomanceDevon Raines was a fan of one night stands and pure lust. Romance was never in her future, she was done with that. She didn't even believe love existed anymore. So how does she explain how she feels about her latest one night stand? How can she expl...