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A song for this chapter: ♪♪ Remember Me This Way by Jordan Hill ♪♪

020 (Ivan’s POV)

“She locked away a secret, deep inside herself, something she once knew to be true… but chose to forget.”

~Cobb; Inception (Movie)

September 01, 2012

Tamara Boyfriend Zoned me.

(Remind Me Again Wik-tionary: Boyfriend Zone- noun (plural Boyfriend Zones) - a term used by Ivan Patricks to indicate a person who’s been turned down by a marriage proposal but wasn’t entirely busted.)

And this is how she Boyfriend zoned me:

“Marry.” I said, putting up a brave face.

“Marry who?” her eyebrows furrowed.

“Marry me.”

|( ̄3 ̄)|   (・ω・;)

 “Who’s Marry Me?” she asked and the ground ate me up.

(ノ_ _)ノ  (´-ω-`)

{{|└(>o< )┘|}} AHHHHH!!!!

(;*´Д')ノ Lord, why now???

“Forget about that.” I said instead as I start to turn away.

Her eyebrows met again. “Forget about what?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. The next time I propose to you I’ll make sure I’ll take a humor-related interpreter with me.”

She blinks hard at me. “You proposed to me?”

I sighed, ran my hand through my hair and nodded.

She bit her lower lip and I turned to her, still hoping to get a ‘yes’.

“Maybe I’ll marry you.” she says with a shrug. “Someday, eventually. You just don’t know it yet.”

At least that wasn’t really a busted line from her even though she actually turned me down. I was expecting her to slap me but instead she didn’t. Again “at least” she didn’t dump me.

Taking you back to the “present”, this is how we busied ourselves with—

September 10, 2012

“Come on, Tam!” I urged her further and she groans.

“I can’t take it any longer!” she almost whispered in anguish.

 “You can do it, TweeTams!”

“Why does it have to be so difficult?” she grunted.

“You’re getting close, Tam, you’ll just have to go further. You’re almost there.”

“Be patient, Boy George! I am trying here!” she grumbles. “I’m right there!”

“I am ready!” I shout at her playfully.

She takes a deep breath and she lets it out.

“Anakin Skywalker!”

And I fell off the gorge metaphorically. That’s my over interpretation of lying back on the grass and putting my arm across my face to cover my eyes from the sunlight.

I let out a frustrated sigh. “Tamara, that’s not my name.”

I hear her intake of breath. “Harry Potter.” She points at me.

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