Bonus Chapter: Ivan's Card Read

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Ivan’s Card Read

(This bonus chapter is actually a parallax—well, I probably meant that scientifically, but literally I’d like to say that this bonus chapter is a parallel chapter to RMA Chapter 017 under Tamara’s POV. Only that the events that happened in this chapter were ahead—otherwise they happened before Ivan went to retrieve Tamara from the asylum.)


“Every story has an end but in life every ending is just a new beginning.”

~Uptown Girls

March 19, 2012

There’s a circus in town.

Actually, if my memory’s in the right position inside my bird size brain, I say it’s the exact circus that visited our little town when I was eight years old. Adjusting my eyesight—yep—it’s the same circus.

It looks just it did the first time I saw it. Black and white striped tents in different sizes, wrought iron gates and a big, old rusty clock sitting at the top of the biggest tent.

My nanny was the one who brought me there to restrain me. I was wilder then, I even forgot her name—probably Nanny Mcphee. But there’s something in that circus that makes people come every time. It’s not the weirdness of its façade that drives people in but I think it’s the magic that holds within the circus that turns everything into magnificence. See, I’m talking like I’m eight years old again. But it was an excuse to talk that way before. I was eight and children are a lot more fascinated with bizarre things back then. I just had to nod back at my nanny when she asked me if I enjoyed myself.

But now that things have changed and I’m no longer four and a half feet tall, the circus might not be as magical to me as before. And yet, as I look across the yard and into the wrought iron fence encasing the black and white colors of the circus, it feels like it’s calling me. Tempting me even to once again step into its grounds and feel the magic. Oh-kay. That’s so weird. I sound super weird. It’s like Temptation Island. My subconscious says.

I looked away from the fence and into the line of people from the ticket booth. So long. The fence is very close. I was to climb up the fence when out of nowhere a sign materialized saying: Trespassers Will Be Exsanguinated


What’s that supposed to mean?

(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 Vampires run the business, bro. My subconscious says but I ignored him.

Whatever that “exsanguinated” means, I’ll be a good boy. Don’t want to die before Tamara does. She’d be devastated. And so, taking matters to my gnawing curiosity, I fall in line. Just as the last light of the sun touches the earth, the wrought iron gates opened.

I went in.


Curiosity kills a man. A man says. So, I heard. Then why the hell am I still alive? Stupid people.

Anyways, do not mind them. Mind me as I went off from one tent to another. Most of the circus tents are new and some of them, I remembered, were the ones I’ve visited with my nanny when I was younger. There were as magical as they have been. I might have enjoyed it very much if I’m not so lonely, alone, loner. Why didn’t I ever think of bringing my disciples here with me? A bell then rings inside my head. Because you’re not so into talking basis with them right now. Period.

Right. I sighed as the realization subsided. I should have thought of bringing Tam here. Maybe next time I could get her to escape that ill forsaken place she calls the asylum. She’d enjoy this place.

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