Chapter 7

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I looked around my boyfriend's newly renovated and stylish three floor apartment. He sure had taste when it came to redesigning homes.

The walls were a nice autumn orange colour with laminated cedarwood floors. The living room had three selves filled with random scrolls and documents and books with couches, beanbags and a white wood table.

The dining room had a mahogany table with mahogany chairs that had cream coloured cushions. The bathroom was bigger than expected, with sky blue walls, a giant bathtub, a lofty shower (the one from Sims 3) and a jacuzzi.

The main bedroom which was occupied by Naruto himself had burnt orange walls with brown tree designs, a giant king size bed covered by royal blue duvets, a fireplace to the left, a bathroom that the was smaller than the main one and a grand balcony. That was only the first floor. The second floor was where the giant indoor Olympic sized swimming pool was with a gym next to it and a smoothie bar. To the far left was an even grander balcony with flowers and paper lanterns decorating the railing. On the third floor was the Uzumaki Clan vault that was 100% sealed off from any intruders that aren't registered Uzumakis or me. It stored all Uzumaki fuinjutsu and hijutsu along with sentient swords and sealing scrolls.

"Welcome to my humble abode Ino-hime."said Naruto walking down the spiral staircase. I blushed when I saw what he was wearing. He was dressed in black pants, black skintight muscle shirt, black boots and black opera gloves with red belts wrapped around them (1). He looked smoking HOT and Mama likes what she sees so far. "Lovely home you have Foxy-kun."I giggled as Naruto pulled me into a warm embrace. His warm breathe tickled my neck as he chuckled. His deep voice sent chills down my spine. His touch filled me up with electricity.

Lunch would have been eventful if that slut Sakura Haruno didn't kick down my boyfriend's door. Her short bubblegum pink hair was even shorter than before with the tips dyed platinum blonde. Her clothing was more revealing and coloured purple. It was like she was trying to impersonate me. That slut isn't gonna know what hit her. "Naru-kun!"she tried to say in a seductive voice. Naruto turned a hideous shade of green that didn't belong on his face and gagged. Poor Foxy-kun had to see the pink haired bimbo while eating lunch. Lunch that I happen to have made for us to enjoy since Sasuke and Hinata had already planned for a lunch date in the Uchiha meadows. "Oi Foxy-kun, may you leave us ladies?"I asked in sickly sweet voice. Naruto didn't need to be told twice.

I walked towards Saku-ama (2) and snarled at her. "What game are you playing at Haruno?"I questioned through gritted teeth. Sakura had the moronic nerve to look shocked and offended. "What ever do you mean Ino?"she asked with a smirk on her face. "Don't play dumb with me, Haruno."I spat as my mint green eyes became darker. "Truth be told Ino-pig, Naruto is only going out with you to make me jealous. He would gladly dump a blond bimbo (I have nothing against blonds since several of my friends are blond plus no offence to blond haired people. Wasn't trying to be rude) and would happily run into my open and waiting arms"stated Sakura with a sneer. It was than that Naruto came back downstairs.

His eyes were dark and uninviting. They were filled with rage and anger. They kept on flickering between cerulean blue and crimson red. As if they couldn't decide what colour to stay on. His whisker marks were now darker and more feral. His canines had become fangs while his nails sharpened into claws. A small aura of bubbling red malice filled chakra surrounded him. It didn't form a chakra tail or fox ears. I hope the Kyubi doesn't take over him.

"What gives you the right to kick down my door and insult my girlfriend?"asked Naruto as Sakura sashayed towards him. "We both know that you don't really love her Naru-kun."said Sakura in what she thought was a seductive tone. In reality, it sounded like a banshee been raped in the middle of the forest. Where nobody could here her scream. "Listen Haruno as I'm only saying this once. Stay away from Ino and Hinata. The truth is, I don't love Ino because I want to spend the rest of my life with her. So, Ino Yamanaka would you do me the pleasure of been my wife one day?"said Naruto going down on one knee. He wasn't asking me to marry him, nope, he was promising me that he would marry me one day. In his hands was a velvet box. A simple silver band with a purple amethyst in the middle and two blue sapphire on the sides.

"YES!"I yelled as I tackled him to the ground. That pink haired slut had the nerve to pull us apart. "I.WILL.SLOWLY.KILL.YOU."yelled Naruto as he punched her out of the apartment via a chakra enhanced punch. We ended up snuggling on the couch as it rained outside.

Sorry that it took a while to write this chapter but Wattpad has been giving me issues. I don't know if it is normal for your story summary to randomly vanish or your views, votes and comments to do the same. Please tell me if it is normal or not.

(1) Naruto's clothing in this chapter is the same one worn by Menma Uzumaki from the Genjutsu World, only with a shirt.

(2) Ama means slut or bitch in Japanese. It is either of one of those two.

Started on 28/07/2016
Completed on 18/09/2016

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