Chapter 4: My Home

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{Chapter 4: My Home}

[Jungkook's POV]

I walk into my hotel room, resting my luggage, bag, and backpack in front of the door once I closed it. I made sure to tell the woman at the front desk to not let anyone come up to my room, even if they ask or insist. She was hesitant, until I gave her a smile and she immediately agreed afterwards. Who knew that a simple smile could reassure someone, even a stranger?

I kneel down in front of my backpack, unzipping it and taking my phone charger out of it shakily. I can feel my body still trembling from the adrenaline rush and I feel my stomach twist at the remembrance of Chippy's body-

Oh god I think I'm going to vomit.


There was nothing to throw up as I finished dry heaving into the toilet bowl. My nerves were still on edge as I stand up, walking out of the bathroom while tossing my mask onto the bedside table. I have to admit- the hotel is pretty nice. Now for my favorite part; the bed.

I sigh as I fall backwards onto it, the mattress and plush blankets practically swallowing me up. I smile slowly at the feeling of the soft covers and sit up when I hear some crackling coming from my pockets.

Oh yea.. the note and photos.

I stand up, pulling out everything from every pocket to put them on the bedside table as well. The photos swirl another wave of nausea and I look away as I flip them upside down.

You know what? Let's just not look at the photos or at what's inside the wallet. He said in the letter that there were more photos... and right now just seeing them makes my stomach churn in all the wrong ways. For now, I'll just shove the wallet, photos, and the note inside my backpack tomorrow morning.

I suddenly jump when I hear a loud crashing outside my window, the low rumble vibrating around me. "thunder..." I mutter as I walk towards the large windows, looking out into the night sky that is now filled with dark gray clouds. I watch as the rain begins to pour outside, another low rumble echoing throughout the city below.

"April showers bring May flowers..." I mutter to myself as I push back the hoodie on my head. I hear my phone ring as I continue to stand in front of the window, glancing at the rain drops that had pelted the glass for one last time before taking my cell out of my pocket.

I grimace and glare at the screen, the word 'Father' shown above the 'Answer' and 'Ignore' button. I hear the thunder outside rumble once again as I slide my thumb on the ignore button, not wanting to hear his disembodied voice in my ear. I don't want to hear him or even think about him-

Television. That should get my mind off of these thoughts and emotions, right?

I walk towards the small T.V screen while tossing my phone onto my bed, exhaling deeply as I sit at the edge of it. I take the remote control from the bedside table and turn the screen on-

"Breaking News!"

"Dead man found in front of W.E.S Apartment building-"

I quickly turn off the television as another wave of nausea hits me. Of course it would be on the news, why wouldn't it be? Someone was just thrown out of a window in a public area in broad daylight.

I sigh as I lean forward, resting my head in my hands as an ache between my eyes begins to form. Why is so much happening in such a short span of time? Why is all of this happening to me? What have I done wrong?? Did I do something in my past life to deserve this?

With another sigh, I remove my head from my hands and stand up, already walking towards the bathroom to take a really long shower. All of that walking, running, and climbing had really worked me out. I guess I didn't need to go to the gym for today after all.

Her Smile (Part2) [JK]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя