Chapter 21: Dance Practice

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She sits at the corner of the room, the floor beneath her pulsing to the beat and rhythm of the song. It was lovely, the music going along with each move he made or with each step he had taken to wave along with the rest of his body. He had this pop to him, yet this fluid grace at the same time. She admired how his form shifted and glided together in perfect unison, noticing how stoic his own expression is throughout it all. She knows this must be hard for him, and yet he continues anyway. This was another thing she had admired about him; he's so determined and wants to better himself. She recognizes the fact that he's trying so desperately to change for the better, to quit his bad habits and restart what was his to begin with.

The music slows to a stop, fading away as his sounds of labored breathing are now heard loud and clear. She stands up, smiling and clapping as he turns to her with a smirk. His chest continues to move with his shoulders, his breathing hard but not as quick as before. "Once again, you're amazing", she encourages and his smirk disappears in which a smile takes its place. She takes the towel from beside her and a water bottle, walking towards him as he shakes his head to rid his hair of his own sweat droplets that had formed on the tips that were once stuck to his forehead.

"Thank you", he replies softly, his tone of voice not at all expected due to his difficult dance. She had thought his voice would have sounded hoarse instead.

He takes the towel from her first, slinging it around his neck and then taking the bottle from her. "I'm seriously proud of you Jimin... and I know you're going to crush this competition", she tells him and he finishes drinking his water to give her another smile. "Well, I personally think I still need to practice more", he says to her as he screws the cap back onto the bottle. She sighs and takes part of the towel, dabbing his forehead to rid it of some of the sweat that had rolled onto his eyebrow. "You've been practicing all day... You should take a break, yeah?"

Jimin thinks about it for a moment before taking a deep breath and then blowing in her face. She shrieks and stands back, surprised by the sudden air that had hit her and he laughs as he removes the towel from around his neck to completely wipe all the sweat off his face. "You're right. I'll take a break", he replies as he rubs his cheek with the cloth and she smiles, glad that he's finally going to get the rest he deserves.

"Actually, I'll just take the rest of the day off", he said to her after what seemed like a minute of silence. "Want to just hang out for today? Go places... Hang with Tae?"

She shakes her head. "Taehyung is in Japan right now visiting his girlfriend, and are you sure you want to stop for the day? I thought you wanted to continue practicing."

Jimin looks at MiCha for a moment, studying her expression before tilting his head in slight confusion. "Taehyung? In Japan?... With his girlfriend? First of all", he starts with a laugh, "Taehyung doesn't have a girlfriend at all, let alone all the way in Japan. Second of all, he's not in Japan. Third of all, it's probably not fun for you to just sit around and watch me dance-"

MiCha places her finger over his lips to shush him. "Bro, I can literally watch you dance all day. Shut up." He smiles at her words laced in that sweet tilt of attitude that he knows very well. He removes her finger from his lips. "Remind me how amazing my dancing is?"

"It's stupendous! Why, it's breathtakingly stupefying!" She shouts and he throws his head back, laughing with his hand flying up to cover his mouth. She grins and laughs too, shaking her head and trying to speak without her laugh interrupting. "I'm serious!... You're dancing is awesome... You're awesome", she says to him and his laughter fades, his head tilting forward again so he can return her stare.

"I know", he smirks and she laughs, short and sweet. He moves forward to hug her and she shrieks. "No! You're sweaty!"

"Just hug me!" He shouts back and his arms wrap around her, his face hiding into her neck. She groans, "why are you hugging me when you're all sweaty?!"

"Because...", he mutters and she sighs, giving up and hugging him back. "You really like your hugs", she says to herself and he responds with a small laugh. "Well Taehyung did always call me a koala."

She laughs and nods. "I agree with him- wait", she halts and breaks away from the hug with a tilted head. "If Taehyung isn't in Japan, then where is he? I haven't seen or heard from him in awhile."

Jimin nods slowly, his facial expression darkening. He takes a step back, rubbing the back of his neck with the towel before replying. "He's visiting his Grandmother..."

"Oh", she says and blinks a few times in confusion. "He's never really talked about visiting his grandmother."

He shrugs. "Well, she did raise him a lot of the time. It doesn't hurt to visit..." He trails off and she knows there's something off. She opens her mouth, about to ask more questions to get the 'secret' out of him when he suddenly puts his hand over her mouth. She frowns, not liking the fact that his hand is constricting her from speaking properly. She sticks out her tongue, licking the palm of his hand and he doesn't show the slightest of grimace.

"Well that was pleasant", he says as he looks into her eyes with a cheeky smile. She rolls her eyes and grabs his wrist, removing his hand from covering her mouth. "Listen Ji-"

He sighs and leans in quickly, pressing his lips to hers and cupping her cheeks to pull her face closer to his. She's shocked at first, but returns the kiss with a small smile. He returns the smile into the kiss, chuckling softly as her hands place themselves on the sides of his neck, tilting her head to deepen the kiss.

A click when their lips disconnect is heard in the otherwise silent studio. MiCha sighs, "of course you know how to shut me up in the best way possible."

He smiles, looking down while rubbing his face. He suddenly feels really shy and flustered but at the same time feels confident and collected. He's always tried to push his feelings away when it came to MiCha. He had always believed she didn't see him in that way and he had always believed such negative thoughts. He had always assumed, 'how could she like a guy like me? How could she like someone who's done so much wrong and has drowned in their own self pity?'

Jimin realized that she didn't see him in the way that he saw himself. She had seen something else in him, and that alone makes him shy and maybe even embarrassed. The day she had confessed to him, he panicked. He didn't know how to react until the thoughts of him drinking, smoking, and failing to accomplish his dream in front of thousands of people came to his mind, and that's when he had shut her off. He figured if she were to find out how he was, she would be disgusted and maybe even hate him. Jimin knows that it probably doesn't make sense, but he couldn't help but think that way. He's thought this way for so long, and it's difficult to break a bad habit.

"Jimin", he hears and he looks back up to see MiCha giving him a teasing smile. "You're cheeks are red", she mocks him playfully and he scoffs in return. "I just did some hard choreo! Of course I'd be a little red!" He huffs this, trying to look away and she laughs. "Whatever you say dancing prince."

"I'm not a prince, I'm a fricking frog", he says which only causes her to laugh harder. He widens his eyes and puffs out his cheeks a bit. "You see this face? It's the face of a frog", he tries to croak out and she shakes her head with a continuous laugh. "If you're a frog", she chuckles as he continues to make a weird face, "then I'll just have to turn you into m prince."


He's cut off when she leans in, kissing him softly and gently at first. He relaxes his face and leans back into the kiss, smiling as he feels her soft lips slowly molding against his. He places his hands on her hips, pushing her so that her back hits the wall and she sighs at the feeling. She lets her hands roam over his chest, moving up so that they pass his neck and so that her arms sling around him. He smirks and bites her bottom lip, grabbing the back of her thighs and pulling them up so that they wrap around his waist.

"Jimin", she gasps as she breaks the deep kiss. "We're in the middle of the practice-"

"The door's locked, we'll be fine", he reassures her as he tilts his head, leaning in so that he can kiss her neck..

Yes, smut is in the next chapter.

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