Chapter 13: Medication

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{Chapter 13: Medication}

I make it to my house on my motorcycle with MinJi's arms wrapped around me from behind. I didn't know what happened to my other helmet, so I let her wear mine and I remained without one.

"Wow, your house practically looks the same", MinJi mutters as I pull up into the long and large driveway. I nod as I glance at the big building, noticing how the luminous moon reflects on the dark window panes. I have to admit, if I could, I would rather not be here. I remember the times when I'd come home from school and excitedly run to my room, the only images in my head were me playing my piano, reading comics, or sleeping in my bed. But now, it's all so different.

I stop behind one of the many cars that my father owns and rev the engine for the final time before moving the kickstand out from under my foot so that the motorcycle has something to lean on. I feel MinJi's arms disappear from around me and she hops off, taking off the helmet and then handing it to me. "Is my hair okay", I hear her ask and I take a glance at her as I take my keys out of the ignition.

"Your hair looks fine", I tell her and she pouts as I get off my motorcycle. I hear a sigh and I turn to see her still pouting. "What?"

"Is it really fine?"

"MinJi, you look better than fine, okay? Don't be nervous." I give her a smile and take her hand in mine, pulling her with me as I begin to walk to the front door of the house. Before I even ring the doorbell, the door swings open, revealing my mother who's worried expression is shown noticeably. I let go of MinJi's hand when I notice my mom practically leaping from the doorway and tackling me, hugging me tightly as she begins to cry.

"Jungkook my son", she cries as she hugs me tight. I feel my chest ache a considerable amount as I feel my sweet and caring mother cry in my arms like this.

"I'm sorry", I apologize as I return her hug. I feel her head nod on my shoulder and I tilt my head to the side so that my cheek rests on her head. "I'm sorry for storming out like that before..."

"Your home now, that's what matters", she sniffles as she let's go of me with a small smile. I return her smile as she places her hands on the sides of my face, squishing my cheeks together with a small chuckle.

"Oh, mom", I say in realization and she let's go of my face as I take a step to the side to reveal MinJi behind me. "MinJi is-"


"here..." I finish my sentence as my mom excitedly hugs MinJi. I smile as MinJi hugs her back, her grin widening as my mom shouts.

"I've missed you!!"

"missed you too", MinJi replies and I hear my mom lightly laugh as she let's go of the hug.

"okay", she says as she walks back to the door with still teary eyes, "Come in you two-"

"is Jungkook here", a voice comes from the top of the stairs as MinJi and I enter through the double doors. I look up to see my sister coming down the stairs, her eyes bloodshot and her complexion paler than usual. I look away from her figure and hold onto MinJi's hand, pulling her along with me as I walk passed the staircase and down the hallway.

"Jungkook!" I hear my sister call my name and I grit my teeth as I hear her footsteps growing closer. "Jungkook we need to talk", she finally says as she grabs onto my hand that's holding onto MinJi's. I let go of MinJi's hands and remove my sisters' from my own.

"I would rather talk to my mother right now", I grit out and I turn to walk away with MinJi when I feel her hand on my shoulder this time.

"well I think we should talk-"

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