Chapter 6: Disgrace

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{Chapter 6: Disgrace}

[Jungkook’s POV]

Our kiss breaks as my cell phone begins to ring and vibrate loudly. I sigh as MinJi laughs, sitting up straighter as she kisses my nose. “Go ahead and answer it”, she says as she slowly removes her arms from around my neck. I groan in response as I sit cross legged, taking my phone out of my pocket with a pout. I hear her turning around to rummage through my backpack, pulling out the camera I had been looking for.

“Can you take out the rest of the camera’s things out of the pack? Thanks”, I tell her with a smile and she nods as she continues to shift through the things in my backpack. I feel my heart skip a beat as she eagerly continues to look for the certain items and I then look back towards the screen on my phone to see who was calling me. I grin as I slide the answer button immediately, pulling my phone to the side of my face so I can hear her voice. “Mom!”, I shout happily as I lie down on the wooden floor. “How-”

“Jungkook”, I hear my mom sob on the other end of the call and I feel an immediate shiver run down my spine. My eyes widen as I sit up quickly, my breath immediately quickening in fear.

“Mom?! What’s wrong? Are you okay?!”

“Jungkook please come home… your sister… She’s just- Oh my god Jungkook just hurry and come home- quickly-”

“Calm down mom, I’ll be right there!” I yell as I end the call, standing up and almost slipping as I hurry to grab my wallet from my backpack.

“What’s going on- Jungkook are you okay??” I hear MinJi say to me as I sit beside her to continue to look for my wallet.

“I’m fine. Mom needs me”, I tell her shortly and I finally grasp the square leather containing my credit cards and money. I stand up and run to the door, grasping on the handle to turn it.

“OH”, I shout in realization and I turn back around to give MinJi a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll be back, okay? I promise I’ll come back”, I say to her with a reassuring smile. She nods slowly in understanding as I kiss her cheek again before dashing to the door and slamming it open, sprinting down the hallway as fast as I could. I hear the girls asking MinJi what was going on, but I don’t hear her response because I’ve already left through the front door without looking back.

I’ll be there soon, Mom. Just please wait patiently for me.

I'm coming, Mom!


I pay the taxi as I open the door, jogging up the incredibly long driveway that I've actually missed quite a lot. I smile as I slow down to a fast paced walk, my house still the same as it was when I had left it years ago. This brings back good memories-


I run to it as it sits in front of our front door, the motorcycle still sitting where I left it. I run my hands over the seat fondly, remembering the good times I had with it. I'm definitely riding this back to the dorm.

“Jungkook”, I hear and I turn to see my mom standing at the doorway, her tears rolling down her cheeks as she shakily runs down the front porch steps. My smile immediately diminishes as I run to her, her cries growing in volume as I finally bend down to hug her. I noticed before we hugged how sickly her face seems and how her skin doesn't look as taken cared of as it was before. She no longer wears makeup and in fact, doesn't look the mother that I've grown up with and loved. She seemed so happy and had a natural healthy glow, but she seems to have wilted and lost her charming glow.

“Mom, what's wrong-”

“my baby boy is back”, she cries as she pats my back, her shoulders shaking from her sobs. I feel my eyes burning once again and I hug my mom tighter. I knew she missed me, but I didn't think she would cry so much because of me. I mean, I know I'm her son and it makes sense, but I've never witnessed my mom cry. My mom was kind and confident in her words. She was tough but light hearted at the same time. She never cried- even when she was in tremendous amounts of pain.

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