Chapter 11: Kookie Bear

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{Chapter 11: Kookie Bear}

[Author's POV]

Jungkook sighs as his thoughts continue to keep him awake. The love of his life has been suffering all this time, her own heart betraying her and giving her pain instead of the other way around. He turns in bed, facing MinJi so that he can take a better look of her face. He's able to see most of her features, the moon from outside helping to brighten the room a bit.

"Hey", Jungkook whispers as he moves his hand to remove a strand of hair that had fallen over her eyes. She stirs a bit, her eyebrows furrowing slightly as her eyes open slowly. Her nose automatically scrunches as she hazily gazes at Jungkook.

"What time is it", she asks him, her voice sounding groggy and tired. He shrugs his shoulders while giving her a tiny smile, the palm of his hand resting on her cheek so that he can caress her cheekbone with his thumb.

"I'm not too sure. Maybe past midnight?"

She groans at his response, her eyes closing as she frowns. "Jungkookie why would you wake me up", she almost whines as she moves closer to him, snuggling her face into his chest to seek warmth and comfort. He chuckles as he wraps his arm around her, his legs beginning to entangle themselves with hers while she continues to nudge his chest with her nose.

"I just want to ask you something", he mutters and she looks up from his chest, moving back a little so that she can get a better look of his face.

"seriously? This late at night Jeon?"

He almost laughs out loud as he looks at her facial expression, which only shows that she's highly unamused. He kisses her forehead before leaning away a bit, his face growing serious as he begins to move his mouth to form the words. "Do you need help with receiving money for yours meds?"

Her entire body tenses at his question, her mind going blank for a second before answering. "No, why?"

"Don't lie to me MinJi", he warns and she sighs as she begins to turn away from him, pulling the covers even higher over her body as if she were trying to build some sort of shield over herself.

"I'm not lying", she only grumbles her response with a tsk.

"MinJi", she hears his soft voice whisper next to her ear as his arms now wrap around her from behind. "I know you're very independent and like doing things on your own", Jungkook begins as he places a kiss to the back of her neck. Tremors of shivers dance across her skin and goosebumps form because of them, the feeling of his soft lips against the nape of her neck sending her heart to a flutter. "But I'm here now, and I can help you. Please MinJi, let me take care of you. You're not alone anymore..."

She turns back around to face him, his arms still wrapped around her as she looks into his eyes. "Jungkook, I know you want to help, but-"

"I do. I want to help you, because I love you. I'll always take care of the people that I love, and I really love you MinJi. You're the only woman I've ever loved so much and it hurts me to see you struggling like this...", he mutters as he places a gentle kiss on her lips. She feels her heart practically ache beneath her chest, but in a good way. She's never loved him more than she does right now, and she always finds new things to love about him every single day.


"MinJi", Jungkook interrupts as he pecks her lips once again, "you are the love of my life, and seeing you struggling and in pain hurts me. All I want is for you to be happy and live without stress. Your happiness is so important to me."

"Jungkook", MinJi starts as her voice cracks. He feels his heart stop as she moves her hand to the back of his neck, pulling him forward so that her lips graze against his softly. "I know you love me, and I know that you care", she mutters, "but-"

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