Chapter 20: Snow Flurries

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{Chapter 20:Snow Flurries}

>>Read Author's note at the end~<<

[Author's POV]

He awakes to a bright golden light shining in his eyes, his hand moving up to shield them from the sunlight. He feels a shift on his ribcage and he looks down to see MinJi cuddled into his chest, her eyes closed with a relaxed expression. He smiles, his hand moving away from in front of his face and to her hair. He likes how the light shines on her hair, her strands shining prettily as his fingers comb through them.

His thoughts roam like his fingers through her hair. He remembers the accident he had; how angry Yoongi was and how he stormed away. He feels a pang in chest and shifts uncomfortably. He winces when he shifts, remembering the bruises that are scattered across his body and he's reminded of the pounding in his head. He sighs, closing his eyes and not wanting to move at all.

"We should do something tomorrow- well technically today since it's morning- but later today of course."

He remembers his words from last night and sighs, reopening his eyes. He squints due to the sunlight and slowly begins to move from underneath her. He tries not to wake her as he takes her head in his hand, slowly lifting and then letting go on the pillow. He smiles, remembering how heavy of a sleeper that she can be and sits up almost straight. He squints his eyes and grabs his side. The pain increased overnight. He swallows, standing up as he remembers the cream that was put on him before and how it helped ease the ache. He also remembers his prescription that was given to him to help with the pain and he limps towards the desk where it lies.

He tries to quietly pull out the chair, sitting down and covering his mouth to not let any noises escape him. He knows he's going to have to put the medicine on himself, and he frowns at the thought of how much it's going to hurt. He looks to his pills though, nodding and telling himself to take those first to help ease the pain just a bit.

He takes what he needs, seeing them in his hand and taking a bottle of water that was left on the corner of the desk. He opens it, tilting his head as he pops the medication into his mouth and then gulping the water right afterwards. He finishes swallowing, taking the bottle to close it and then resting it somewhere on the table. He glances in the direction where MinJi lies, his eyes grazing her body from head to toe as the sunlight's panes rest on her expression. He looks away when he knows that she's still sleeping and takes the cream shakily, opening it and then looking at its' contents. He takes a breath, preparing himself and applying to the first ache on his body that he can see and feel.

"It's okay", he tells himself as the cold medicine touches his arm. He bites his bottom lip, massaging the cream into his skin a bit before sitting up straight to apply some more on his torso. He takes more of the ointment on his finger, placing it on his ribs. His entire body convulses, the pain tripling at the contact and he moves his hand to his mouth, biting down and trying to conceal his yell. He can barely hunch over at the throbbing on his abdomen. He tries to sit up as he tries to massage the medicine into his skin, and not being able to control himself anymore, he screams, but it's muffled of course due to his hand.

"Jungkook", he hears a groggy voice coming from the bed and he sighs, his eyes clenched shut as his entire body trembles. He can hear a shuffle of sheets and then a patting of feet against the floor, growing louder as they grow closer. "Are you okay? I can help-"

"Please do", he grits out, his breathing shallow and slow, trying not to breathe too hard so that he doesn't feel the pain as much. He squints his eyes open to see her helping him stand up, helping him to the bed so that he can sit more comfortably.

"Careful", she says as he sits down, a wince escaping him. She places a fast and gentle kiss to his cheek before walking quickly towards the desk, grabbing the cream and then walking back towards him. She's still a little half-asleep, but luckily Jungkook's yell practically woke her up. "Don't move", she warns and he braces himself as she bends down, taking the cream and with gentle fingers massaging the medicine into his skin. "You don't need to completely massage the cream into your body, your skin can just absorb the rest from here", she tells him and she finishes some of the aches on his body. He can already feel the strong effects of the medicine taking over and he sighs in relief.

Her Smile (Part2) [JK]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora