Chapter 7: MiCha's Love Confession

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{Chapter 7: MiCha’s Love Confession}

[Author’s POV]

She watches quietly as he sleeps soundly, his breathing deep and calming. She worriedly glides her fingers gently across the top of his head, his hair feeling just as soft as it did years ago. She smiles as he moves to snuggle into the side of her neck, his limbs circling around her loosely as he exhales.

“Junghyun… no...”

She hears him mutter under his breath, his eyebrows furrowing as he holds her closer. She blinks and then places her hand on Jungkook's shoulder while placing the other on his cheek, pulling him closer to her.

She's not going to ask him who it was he had mentioned. Even though she's curious, she's not going to ask who the girl is. She trusts him, and knows he wouldn't do anything to hurt her anymore. She knows he wouldn't cheat on her.


Someone shouts as they slam the door open. MinJi jumps and so does Jungkook, his body jumping off of hers and hitting his head against the headboard. He groans as he squints his eyes shut while rubbing the back of his head.

“who the hell woke me up”, he grumbles groggily. He rubs his beat red eyes as he glances towards the figure standing at the doorway.

“MinJi we’re late to class!!! Let's go!” MiCha shouts as she runs over to the bed, grabbing MinJi’s arm and trying to haul her up.

“MiCha, I think Jungkook needs me”, MinJi states as she glances over to Jungkook as he continues to squint towards the two. He rubs his eyes as he sits up, a groan escaping him as his lids pry open.

“MinJi, you HAVE to go. It's school”, Jungkook sighs as he gives her a smile.

“But I still haven't treated your wound on your chin-”

“You and I both know that I'm old enough to take care of myself”, he interrupts as he takes her hands in his. He kisses one of them and rubs the spot gently, looking into her eyes with a set smile. She nods hesitantly while placing a kiss to his cheek, getting up from the bed as MiCha begins to pull her away.

“Come on we’re going to be late!! you can do that lovey dovey stuff when we get back”, MiCha shouts as she continues to pull MinJi eagerly while grabbing MinJi’s bag from next to her door. MinJi merely smirks as she begins to walk steadily beside her to the front door.

“Oh you're just jealous because you haven't done ‘lovey dovey’ stuff to Jimin-”



Jungkook hears the front door slam, indicating that the two girls had finally left. His smile that had clearly grown on his face falls immediately, the throbbing of his chin becoming more apparent as the minutes tick by. He doesn't realize how long he’s been sitting on MinJi’s bed until he hears his phone beep. He looks towards the nightstand to see a note placed next to his cell.

It's uncomfortable to sleep with your phone, isn't it?

Continue to smile as peacefully as you do when you sleep.. Love you ♡


He smiles as he reads the small note, picking it up, folding it, and then placing it between his phone and his phone cover. After doing so, he picks up his phone himself to see a text message from a different group chat.

V☆ has added “Sweet”, “Princess” Jin, JK, Clumsy AF, Chim, and My Hope.

V☆: stop muting the group chats you guys!

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