[BONUS] Chapter 16.5

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[Jungkook's POV]

I can feel the ground beneath me pulse, the darkness surrounding me as I feel the gritty ground below my hands biting into my skin. Where am I? What's happening? Why can't I see anything.

The sound of blood rushing in my ears and the heavy pounds of my slow, uneven heartbeat are now all the things that I can hear. I try to move, but a sudden pain shoots throughout my body. I scream in response to the most painful feeling in my life. Why the fuck am I hurting so much?

I groan, slowly getting up as the pain doubles.Damn, what the hell happened to me? Why can't I see anything?

My head feels like it's been beaten, and my body can't stop shaking. I shout as I try to get up, the palms of my hands almost slipping because of the wet ground below me. Why am I on the ground again?

"oh my god, sir?! Are you okay?!!"

I slowly begin to hear again as the high pitched ringing dulls in my ears. I blink, my vision blurring and painfully trying to focus on my hands that are trying to hold me up. I suddenly feel hands on my sides, pulling me
upwards. What the hell is happening?

I blink, my vision blurring even more for a moment before finally clearing little by little. I blink again as the smell of smoke powerfully hits me, and I limp a bit as I lean into the person helping me stand. "Sir, are you okay? Can you talk?"

My vision settles on my crumbled and disfigured motorcycle lying meters away, the rain pelting it as the rear view mirrors dangle helplessly from the bars. I then look towards the car beside me, the one that I assume had hit my motorcycle which caused me to end up this way.

I got into an accident... That's what happened.

"Sir", I hear more clearly this time and I finally look to see a woman, whose head is bleeding from the corner of her forehead. Was she in the accident too? "Are you okay- can you talk? Do you know your name?"

I blink and look to the ground, staring at the rain droplets and how they pelt the asphalt. My name... My, name...

"Jungkook, I'm in love with you-"

"Jungkook", I answer immediately as my memories unfold rapidly. I grimace and hold my head, only realizing that I have my motorcycle helmet still on. I take it off as I shove the woman's hands away, throwing the helmet on the ground as I grit my teeth. Why the hell didn't I see that car coming?! I could have avoided it, but this stupid ass rain-

"Excuse me", I hear and I grimace as my head pounds again while a wave of nausea hits me. Maybe a slight concussion?

"Jungkook, are you okay-"

"I'm fine", I wince out as I stand up straighter, kicking the helmet away from me as I try to take a good look around me. There was something I needed to do... What was it?

"Don't move, I'll call an ambulance-"

"Don't", I grit my reply as I walk towards the sidewalk. I notice some cars honking and a couple of people exiting their cars, probably to check to see if anyone was injured. I'm pretty sure I need medical attention considering I'm limping, my entire body is throbbing, and my head feels like a jackhammer is being drilled into my skull, but I need to keep moving. Something is telling me that I have to keep moving.

"Jungkook you can't just leave! there's damage-"

I sigh and turn around, the cold water falling from the sky hitting on my aching body, which actually feels pretty nice. It's a bit of a relief. "Do you have a pen", I ask and she blinks in surprise.

"Why on earth would I have a pen-"

"Do you have one or not", I ask impatiently and she turns back to her damaged car, opening the driver side door and leaning forward to take something from the middle console. She comes back towards me, rubbing the side of her head as she hands me the pen. I take it from her, pulling her hand towards me so that I can give her my number.

"I'll give you my insurance and other information later", I tell her as I finish writing on her hand, "I'm in a bit of an emergency. Call me about the details later." I say this and hand her the pen, walking away as quick as my injured body will allow me. She doesn't move to stop me, thankfully, and I continue on my way onto the sidewalk. Why was I in a hurry? What was it that I needed to do?

My head is pulsing aggravatingly, as if it were trying to tell me something-

"Jungkook, I miss you, so much."

"Jungkook, I love you."

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