House Party

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Author's POV

Liam was up quite early this morning. He got dressed quickly, in a simple t-shirt and cargo shorts, then ran a quick comb through his slightly messy hair. After fixing up the un-made bed, and brushing his teeth, he quickly walked out of his room.

It was a Saturday, which meant no official One Direction business, and he and Niall could just relax.

He already had the whole day planned, wanting to take Niall to the local petting zoo and then out to dinner at Nando's. 

Excited to tell his little about the day's plan, he happily bounded over to Niall's room, knocking on the door very lightly. He waited a few seconds to listen for a possible reply, but grabbed the doorknob when he heard none. 

"Good morning bud," he whispered, slowly opening the bedroom door to not startle the blond. Much to his surprise, he found himself staring at an empty bed.

"Niall?" Liam called out, walking fully into the room. He surveyed the entire bedroom, from the chair in the corner, to the slightly open closet door.  It took just another three seconds for a slight panic, too course through Liam's body.

"Niall?!" He called again nervously, walking over to pat the bundle of blankets on the bed, just in case Niall was just really snuggled up. 'Niall must be playing hide-and-seek,' Liam thought to himself, mainly for comfort.

He took a quick peek underneath Niall's desk, and behind his chair. Glanced at the corner near the dresser, and lastly walked over to the little ones closet.

He slid the doors open, sifting through the clothes that were hung up. Next he crouched down, quickly pawing through the boy's belongings. "You hiding in here? You naughty boy," Liam called out, pulling one thing after the other. After determining the closet didn't harbor any hiding boys, Liam gave his room one more look over.

"If you're playing hide-and-seek on me, I will not hesitate to give Mr.ticklemonster a call!" Liam threatened, as a last attempt to weed out the toddler.  After realizing he had flipped the room upside down, without even the sound of a slight rustle or giggle, Liam decided the boy just truly wasn't there.

"Liam?" Niall called out, standing at his bedroom door. An instant relief washed over Liam, even though he knew it was foolish to have been so worried.

"Niall!" Liam breathed, waving the boy over. Niall walked over, making sure to close the door behind him. Liam right away scanned Nial up and down like an x-ray, trying to assess any possible damage.

"Everything cool?" Niall asked curiously, looking confused at the multi-expression on Liam's face. Even though Liam was happy to see Niall far from any harm, it didn't take long before daddy-mode kicked in.

"Where have you been?" Liam questioned, pulling his blond in for a hug, "You know you're not supposed to wander around until I come get you." Liam lectured, watching the younger boy shy away.

"Sorry Lia-..daddy" Niall whispered, "I woke up big, and decided to just get my own breakfast."

Liam sighed, knowing he couldn't be too mad at the boy. Normally Liam would put him to bed at night in his headspace, and then greet him in the morning to help him get ready and change his nappy. It was rare, but there were a few mornings he'd wake up out of it. If there was a day Niall wanted to be big, he had every right too.

"Are you mad daddy?..." Niall whispered nervously.

"No, no no buddy. I'm sorry, I just got worried when I couldn't find you in here." Liam reassured the boy, giving him another tight hug.

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